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[Release] HGFramework

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HGFramework is designed to easyly create missions that are similar to the concept of the Hunger Games.

Hunger Games Book

Hunger Games Film

Missions shall be creatable very fast even for people who are not familar with the mission editor!

All you need to do is install the HGFramework, open the editor and copy&paste some markers.


  • Revive
    • revive dead people

[*]Mag Repack

  • press ctrl+r to repack magazines


  • press shift+m to show a map


  • some supplyboxes are virtual ammoboxes so do not use inventory on them, use "Virtual Ammobox" instead

[*]Group Management

  • group up with other players, you also can disallow other players to join you

[*]Remove Dead

  • dead players are removed after some time

[*]Eat & Drink

  • search food or water barrels and use the action drink/eat
  • if you are to hungry/thirsty you will not be able to run or even get damage over time
  • the faster you move the faster hunger/thirst increases (exponential)
  • the more you carry the faster hunger/thirst increases


  • go prone and use the sleep action
  • if you are to tired you will not be able to run or even will fall asleep
  • the faster you move the faster fatigue increases (exponential)
  • the more you carry the faster fatigue increases
  • the more fatigue you have the longe you will sleep (exponential)


  • if you have to much damage you get damage over time
  • heal yourself to stop it


  • time is accelerated with a factor (60 by default -> 1 real life second = 1 ingame minute)

[*]Marking enemies

  • markers are placed near enemies and updating


  • random loot

[*]Vehicle spawn

  • random spawn of vehicles & boats & helis


  • some loot and vehicles are paradropped


  • each player leaving the allowed area will be killed
  • you can exclude areas from the allowed areas


  • press "space" while running to jump


  • temperature increased during day
  • temperature decreased during night
  • temperature increased if running
  • temperature decreased if walking/standing
  • temperature decreased if in water
  • temperature increased if near burning campfire (no vehicles!)
  • thirst is increased if temperature is high
  • thirst is decreased if temperature is low
  • hunger is increased if temperature is low
  • hunger is decreased if temperature is high
  • damage is dealt if temperature is too high or too low
  • if temperature would change away from normal temperature the change is reduced to obtain stability


  • highly configurable via mission parameters in hg_params.h or even during missionselection


  • minimal custom HUD to show informations like thirst/hunger/...

[*]Moveable explosives

  • explosives can be moved
  • drop them by pressing "space"


Missionfolder is C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Arma 3\missions\<mission name>.<world Name>

If no one exists, create one called <mission name>.<world Name> (world name is in general "Startis")(example: survival.Stratis).

If you want to see an examplemission copy the contents of the HGFrameworkExample.Stratis folder or HGFrameworkExampleSmall.Stratis folder into your mission folder.

Otherwise copy all contents from the HGFramework.Stratis folder into your mission folder.


Open the editor.

Press Ctrl+O.

Doubleclick your mission.

Press Ctrl+T.

Press F6.

Search the colored dots around Agia Marina.

Where a black dot is placed, the players may be teleported at missionbegin.

Where a orange dot is placed, a random lootbox will spawn.

Where a red dot is placed, a special lootbox will be paradropped from time to time (really good loot).

Where a blue dot is placed, a vehicle will be paradropped from time to time.

Where a white dot is placed, a boat will be paradropped from time to time.

Where a yellow dot is placed, a heli will be paradropped from time to time.

Where a green dot is placed, a possible safezone will be placed (zone where players have to escape to after some time).

Click on one.

Hover the mouse direct over that one you clicked.

Press Ctrl+C.

Place the mouse where you want it.

Press Ctrl+V.

Repeat until all dots are where you want them. Do not place lootmarkers in buildings because the crates will spawn in the floor.

Delete (hover mouse over dot and press del) all unwanted dots (In general those who already were there when you opened the editor. THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!).

I recommend to place a lot of orange dots (>50), 1-5 black dots, ~7 red dots, ~3 blue dots, 1 yellow dot, ~7 green dots. Depends on missionsize and may vary a lot.

After all, doubleclick on all green markers and give each one a good name like "Camp Tempest". The names are shown when the deathzone warning pops up.

Press Ctrl+S to save the mission.

Press Ctrl+Shift+S.

Enter a missionname.

Select "Export to multiplayer missions".

Click on ok.

Congratulations!!! You created your first multiplayer mission with HGFramework!

For advanced users:

You can change what will spawn at which colored marker by editing some variables in HGF\hg_variables.sqf. Search for "hg_startColor".

All missionparameters can be changed on missionstart. Read HGF\hg_params.h for description of each variable. I recommend to edit the defaultvalues to fit with your missionbehaviour.

If you want to customize the framework and have questions just ask me.

If you want to set up borders, place some markers that mark the whole area where players may walk. Give each marker a name. In the init.sqf put the names commaseparated in the brackets:

hg_allowedAreas = [b1, b2];

If you want to exclude an area from the allowed area create a marker give it a name and add this to init.sqf:

hg_disallowedAreas = [b3];

Borders will be activated on teleport and deactivated when the deathzonewarning pops up.

I recommend to set good defaultvalues for the framework variables because on missionstart most people will use the defaultvalues! Dafultvalues can be set in HGF\hg_params.h.

If you want to change the loot, helis, boats, vehicles look in the following files and edit some values:





If you add/delete a weapon to/from hg_loot_weapons, you also have to add/delete a magazine to/from hg_loot_weaponsMagazines.


Feel free to leave comments, give me feedback, send me a pm or ask questions in the HGFramework Development Diary Thread.

General Missiondesign:

At startup all players have a little time to group up with other players if they want to.

Then all players will be teleported to the arena.

All players only have uniform, map, gps, radio, watch, compass.

There are 8 mines around each player so do not move!

The mines will be deactivated after some time.

Around the start are also a few lootcrates. But only in the middle are weapons.

The mission is finished when all players except one are dead.

There also may be lootcrates around if the missionmaker placed it.

After some time all players are warned for a sudden death. All players have to travel to a defined location or die.

It is important to find water/food!

Copyrightissues / Namingconvention:

To not get in trouble with copyrightowners of Hunger Games I recommend you to not name your mission "Hunger Games" or so.

Instead I recommend you to name it for example "dm@24_Hangar-Games_1-0-0". I also saw a mission called "Hunting Games" and the Minecraft "Survival Games".

Be creative but better do not use "Hunger Games".

Known Issues:

Issue Tracker

- when dropping an uniform into a crate it is duplicated (MINOR)

- clouds moving fast / skipping (MINOR)

- ai on dedicated server is not teleported if ordered to stop (WILL NOT FIX)

- lag when mines deactivated in editormode (WILL NOT FIX)

- supportbox contains items that are not added by my script when running on a dedicated server (WILL NOT FIX)

- supplybox contains items that are not added by my script when running on a dedicated server (WILL NOT FIX)

Credits & Thanks:

Suzanne Collins for The Hunger Games

BIS for ArmA 3 & scriptingreference

Foxhound for Armaholic & editing the frontpage

feersum.endjinn for Arma Unpbo Tool

Giallustio & Crasso & Lucky44 & =BTC= for =BTC= Revive v0.93

zuff for Group Management Script v1.1

Outlawled for Mag Repack v2.1.3

Celery for CLY Remove Dead v28

MAD T for MAD FadeToBlack

Armaholic-Community for helping

Mr-Murray for ArmA Editing Guide

Armaidiot for a lot of Youtube Editor Tutorials

Nicolas & GossamerSolid & Sanjo for Notepad++ SQF Syntax Highlighting

Taosenai & Dslyecxi/zx64 for Tao Folding Map v2.1

austin(medic) for testing on a dedicated server & reviewing my code & Reveal Script & In Depth Damage Effects

Tonic & Kronzky & SaMatra & Dslyecxi & Tyrghen & naong & Coding :D for Virtual Ammobox System v1.5

Terox for dedicated server tutorial

Pirin for helping me fixing my addAction distance bug & hint to use .jpg instead of .paa

tehcyx for the name "Hangar Games" (I like it a lot!)

hanne.2k for testing

ProGamer & Zooloo75/Stealthstick & F2kSel for Realistic Jumping/ Running Vault Script v0.4

XuXu & Hege & *************** for testing on dedicated server

zooloo75/Stealthstick for Bullet-Wind Interaction System

Xeno for a nice piece of code concerning paramsarray

exit1 & BAS for the first live test

zorilya for 3D Explosives Interface

=BTC= Revive was created by Giallustio (I just configured it)

Group Management Script was created by zuff (I added 2 new files and changed the other files to fit my changes)

MAD_FadeToBlack (nearly copypasted into my sleepscript together with parts from =BTC= Revive)

Mag Repack was created by Outlawled (I just converted the addon to a script)

Tao Folding Map was created by Taosenai (I just converted the addon to a script and made it fit the framework)

CLY Remove Dead was created by Celery (just using the script)

VAS was created by Tonic (just configured and using it)

Realistic Jumping Script was created by ProGamer & Zooloo75/Stealthstick (just using it and changed usage from "C" to "space" and disabled doubletap)

Reveal Script was created by austin(medic) (just added an isDedicated check and changed the sleeptime)

In Depth Damage Effects was created by austin(medic) (improved it and fixed some bugs)

Bullet-Wind Interaction System was created by zooloo75 (only minor changes)

3D Explosives Interface was created by zorilya (only using it)

I do not take credits for any picture or sound!

hungergames.paa is an edited version of this wallpaper

Change log:

0.8.2 (HOTFIX)

- removed HGFrameworkExample.Startis

- renamed HGFrameworkExampleSmall.Startis to HGFrameworkExample.Startis

- set up github project

- issues moved to github

- readme content moved to github

- added: infected wounds deal damage to players and con only behealed with a medikit

- changed: added Medikits to specialboxes to be able to treat infected wounds

- fixed: impossible to drink and eat (scripterror)


- fixed: crates at start disappear one after the other instead of together

- removed option to refill crates after some time

- added possibility to add weapons, magazines, items, backpacks to a single crate

- refactored all files concerning crates

- defaultloot configurable in hg_params.sqf

- THE RUNNING GAG: fixed (hopefully): players marker

- using explosives interface

- added toolkit to specialbox to use it with explosives interface

- reduced loot in marksmanspecialbox

- fixed: all players look at the weaponbox on teleport on dedicated server

- drinking and eating needs some time

0.7.12 (0.8.0 RC1)

- fixed: borders are now deactivated on deathzonewarning

- fixed: border markers are removed on deathzonewarning

- added countdown on deathzonewarning until deathzone is activated

- added sleep timer (how long the player will sleep)

- reworked markPlayer: server only inits it and manages markerpositions, markermanipulation is only clientside

- THE RUNNING GAG: fixed (hopefully): players marker is now blue

- configured debriefing

- using backgroundimages

- changed imageformat

- added countdown before teleporting to prevent players walking over mines

- moved most settings from description.ext into a frameworkfile

- fixed a bug in damagesystem

- added countdown before player is teleported


- markPlayer colors defined in hg_variables.sqf

- mockingjaycall not anylonger played on teleport

- mockingjaycall played at end for the winner

- refactored hg_params.h

- refactored hg_variables.sqf

- added first aid kits to all startcrates

- loot configs exported to hg_variables.sqf

- vehicle config exported to hg_variables.sqf

- boat config exported to hg_variables.sqf

- heli config exported to hg_variables.sqf

- new sound happyHungerGames played on teleport

- added option to set number of guaranteed crates per type

- moved some files into the root folder


- removed boxes at start: grenades, explosives

- removed defaultloot from startboxes

- fixed: border was activated if player died

- fixed: deathzone was activated if player died

- fixed: damagesystem was still active if player is dead

- fixed (hopefully): players marker is now blue


- initialization of deathzone now runs serverside to prevent desync

- deathzone itself continues running clientside (new script, separated from initDeathzone.sqf)

- markPlayers now runs serverside

- marked players are not updated if they are still in the markerrange, so multiple updates would not reveal its position.

- fixed (hopefully): the player itself is not anylonger marked on the map (shall he be marked instead in another color, so he knows where his marker is visiable for other players?)

- fixed: player got stuck sometimes after sleeping

- disabled debug/cheat script


- updated VAS v1.7

- using other font (EtelkaNarrowMediumPro) for hud

- fixed: "0" in countdown not anylonger displayed using hint, now using hintSilent

- optimized initMines.sqf a bit

- fixed: very small bug in sleep.sqf

- set up own simple revive system (not complete)

- using other animations in sleep.sqf

- disabled sleep on missionstart

- using damagesystem

- fixed and improved damagesystem

- using windsystem

- minor changes in windsystem

- added an action to the player to display windinformation

- fixed: backpack was added with wrong command when boxes are refilled


- mines are now removed if "0" is displayed, no longer have to wait 1 second

- added startsounds

- fixed: weight was nearly not used

- fixed: weight reduced rate instead of increasing it

- fixed: mines do not kill a prone player anymore, increased minenumber and radius

- fixed: now using correct default temperature value


- added detailed temperaturesystem

- increased audibility of cannonsound

- now using the weight of the player in the calculation how fast hunger/thirst/fatigue is increased, the more he carries the faster he needs to sleep/eat/drink

- time to reach safezone is displayed when warning message pops up

- now one instance of each cratetype is guaranteed independend of its spawnchance

- fixed: crates did not guaranteed spawn if spawnchance was 100

- fixed: only 9 crates were spawning caused by "at least one instance..."

- decreased thirst/hunger/fatigue rates to fit with the new calculation dependent on player weight


- reworked initDeathzone.sqf


- B_Kitbag_mcamo now available in specialcrate

- V_Rangemaster_belt added as default gear

- fixed: "%" is displayed in hud

- fixed: paradroped items are not anymore spawned on the ground

- upgraded jumpscript v0.4

- noticed clearItemCargoGlobal is bugged, will not fix the issues it creates because bis will

- fixed: backpacks are also removed from crates on (re)spawn

- renamed initRevealPlayers.sqf to initMarkPlayers.sqf

- added a new example mission


- upgraded jumpscript v0.3

- using revealscript (does not respond)

- fixed: players in vehicles are no longer killed by border if they are in the allowed area

- added options to disable VAS at start

- added options to disable paradropped VAS

- fixed: revealscript (mine for playerposition, not austin's) now works on dedicated server

- fixed: marksmanbox does not disappear anylonger if player is within 3m

- fixed: VAS (not that one at start) does not disappear anylonger if player is within 3m

- added description of variables in hg_params.h above each variable

- fixed: Folding Map works again (quick&dirty fix)


- using jumpscript v0.2 (permission received)

- fixed: crates are not refilled anymore if player is within 3 meters

- fixed: bug with lootcrate

- fixed: sleep does not produce errors anymore when executed before teleport

- fixed: no errors are produced anymore if client runs timeacceleration before server

- upgraded =BTC= Revive v0.93


- added a border protection, killing all players leaving the area after some time

- added exclude option for allowed areas

- allowed areas are marked with a markerarea

- disallowed areas are marked with a markerarea

- borders enbled by default (hg_params.h)

- added an option to delete all markers except lootcrates (can already be deleted)

- safezone is now marked with a markerarea

- added borders to examplemission


- initial release


HGFramework © 2013 Daniel Tkocz, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

The files in =BTC=_revive, outlw_magRepack, scripts, cly_removedead, tao_foldmap_a3, VAS, reveal, damagesystem, Jump, windsystem, explosive_interface_fncs and all its subfolders and its files and files ending with .ogg or .paa are not affected by this licence. Contact the original authors on www.armaholic.com for more information or search for a LICENSE file in the folders.

You are not allowed to change any variablename or variablevalue in "hg_variables.sqf" whos name starts with "hg_license_".

You are not allowed to edit code if its execution is dependent of a variable which name starts with "hg_license_" if the variablevalue is false.

Forums Topic:

- HGFramework Development Diary


Armaholic Downloadpage

Edited by Coding

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