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Number (and type) of backpacks in area!

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Hello :)!

I have a mission in the works, where a total of seven backpacks play a important role.

I need to check the area where the mission is suppose to end for Three different possible outcomes, depending on how many bags are in the area. The trick is that not only must I check for backpacks on units, it must also cover if they for instance are loaded into the cargo of a vehicle or dropped on the ground.

Outcome one (end#1):

A total of 6 "B_Carryall_Base" in list

a total of 1 "B_Bergen_Base" in list

the whole squad (that check I know how to do myself)

Outcome two (end#2):

A total of 6 "B_Carryall_Base" in list

the whole squad (that check I know how to do myself)

Outcome Three (end#3):

the whole squad (that check I know how to do myself)

I did a Little test script, however, I Think it is so far from correct that it would be better just to start over, with the help of someone who actually understands scripting.

But anyways, in case you want a good laugh, this was my test:

_trigger = _this select 0;

_triggerlist=(List _trigger);

while {true} do

if (_x isKindOf "LandVehicle") then
_bagsinvehicle = {_x == "B_Carryall_Base"} count backpackCargo _x;
} forEach _triggerlist;
hint "worked this far";
if (_x isKindOf "man") then
_bag = unitBackpack _x;
_class = typeOf _bag;
if (_class == "B_Carryall_Base"and (_x isKindOf "man") then
_bagsonUnits = {_x} count _triggerlist;
} forEach _triggerlist;

_bagsinvehicle+_bagsonUnits = _bagstotal;

if (_bagstotal == 0) then
hint "ZERO BAGS";

if (_bagstotal == 1) then
hint "ONE BAG";
if (_bagstotal == 2) then
hint "TWO BAGS";

if (_bagstotal == 3) then
hint "THREE BAGS";

if (_bagstotal == 4) then
hint "FOUR BAGS";

if (_bagstotal == 5) then
hint "FIVE BAGS";

if (_bagstotal == 6) then
hint "SIX BAGS";

sleep 5;

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