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iniDB extended functionality problems

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I am working on adding a function to iniDB that returns all the variable names in a specific section in the ini-file.

In the VC++ Project I have added this code:


bool Ini::ReadAll(char* file, char* section, char* output, size_t outputSize)
if(GetPrivateProfileSectionA(section, output, outputSize, file) == NULL)
	return false;

if(GetLastError() == 2)
	return false;

return true;


if(_stricmp(func, "readall") == 0)
char* file = strtok(NULL, ";");
char* sec = strtok(NULL, ";");

if(file != NULL && sec != NULL)
	char realFile[MAX_PATH] = {0};

	sprintf_s(realFile, MAX_PATH, "db\\%s.ini", file);

	//logger.write("inidb.log", "read[%s, %s, %s, %s]", logger.dirFile(realFile), sec, key);

	char trueValue[512] = {0};

	if(Ini::ReadAll(logger.dirFile(realFile), sec, trueValue, 512))
		if(_stricmp(trueValue, "c0f916b469c17e0f967c6774e0d837fac0f916b469c17e0f967c6774e0d837fa") == 0)
			strncpy(output, "[false];", outputSize);
			sprintf_s(output, outputSize, "[true, '%s'];", trueValue);
	strncpy(output, "[false];", outputSize);

//logger.write("inidb.log", "result: %s", output);

There is a problem with this code and that is that it only returns the first variable in the section.

And it returns it this way:


I need it to only return the variable name.

So I am wondering if anyone knows how to make it return all the variable names in a array so I can later parse it in my SQF scripting.

Edited by Qzen

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Yeah, sure. I will release it in source code for you.

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I figured out how to achieve what I was trying to do. Now I have some other problems that I need to fix. So I will post the source code here when I have fixed those issues.

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