Blitzer134 1 Posted August 7, 2013 I now have 2 stringable.xml I have no idea how to use both of them thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tonic-_- 53 Posted August 7, 2013 Pretty simple, pick one of them and copy from <Project ID> part to </Project and paste it in. Or just copy this and you'll get the idea. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project name="Virtual Ammobox System"> <Package name="Main"> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Weapons"> <Original>Weapons</Original> <German>Waffen</German> <French>Armes</French> <Polish>BroÅ„</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Magazines"> <Original>Magazines</Original> <German>Magazine</German> <French>Chargeurs</French> <Polish>Amunicja</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Items"> <Original>Items</Original> <German>Gegenstände</German> <French>Objets</French> <Polish>Przedmioty</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Backpacks"> <Original>Backpacks</Original> <German>Rucksäcke</German> <French>Sacs à dos</French> <Polish>Plecaki</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Goggles"> <Original>Goggles</Original> <German>Brillen</German> <French>Lunettes</French> <Polish>Gogle</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Uniforms"> <Original>Uniforms</Original> <German>Uniformen</German> <French>Uniformes</French> <Polish>Mundury</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Vests"> <Original>Vests</Original> <German>Vesten</German> <French>Gilets Tac.</French> <Polish>Kamizelki</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Headgear"> <Original>Headgear</Original> <German>Kopfbekleidung</German> <French>Casques</French> <Polish>Nakrycia gÅ‚owy</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Attachments"> <Original>Attachments</Original> <German>Befestigungsgegenstände</German> <French>Objets Attachés</French> <Polish>Dodatki</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Misc"> <Original>Misc</Original> <German>Diverses</German> <French>Objets Divers</French> <Polish>Inne</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_btnAdd"> <Original>Add Item</Original> <German>Gegenstand hinzufügen</German> <French>Ajouter Arme/Obj.</French> <Polish>Dodaj przedmiot</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_btnRemove"> <Original>Remove Item</Original> <German>Gegenstand entfernen</German> <French>Retirer Arme/Obj.</French> <Polish>UsuÅ„ przedmiot</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_btnClose"> <Original>Close</Original> <German>schließen</German> <French>Fermer</French> <Polish>Zamknij</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_btnLoad"> <Original>Load Gear</Original> <German>Ausrüstung laden</German> <French>Charger</French> <Polish>ZaÅ‚aduj wyposażenie</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_btnSave"> <Original>Save Gear</Original> <German>Ausrüstung speichern</German> <French>Sauver</French> <Polish>Zapisz wyposażenie</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_btnRemoveAll"> <Original>Remove All</Original> <German>alles entfernen</German> <French>Retir.Tout</French> <Polish>UsuÅ„ wszystko</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_VirtGear"> <Original>Virtual Ammobox</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_YCG"> <Original>Your Current Gear</Original> <German>Ihre momentane Ausrüstung</German> <French>Votre équipement actuel</French> <Polish>Twoje Aktualne Wyposażenie</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_Vas_Main_CL"> <Original>Custom Loadout</Original> <German>Angepasste Ausrüstung</German> <French>Emplacement perso</French> <Polish>Niestandardowe wyposażenie</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_Vas_Main_Rifles"> <Original>Rifles</Original> <German>Gewehre</German> <French>Fusils (Tous)</French> <Polish>Karabiny</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_Vas_Main_Scoped"> <Original>Scoped</Original> <French>Fusils (Longs)</French> <Polish>Bron Ciężka</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_Vas_Main_Heavy"> <Original>Heavy</Original> <German>Schwere Waffen</German> <French>Lourds</French> <Polish>Wyrzutnie</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_Vas_Main_Launcher"> <Original>Launcher</Original> <German>Raketenwerfer</German> <French>Lanceurs</French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_Vas_Main_Pistols"> <Original>Pistols</Original> <German>Pistolen</German> <French>Pistolets</French> <Polish>Pistolety</Polish> </Key> </Package> <Package name="LoadGear"> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Load_Title"> <Original>Virtual Ammobox System - Load Gear</Original> <German>Virtual Ammobox System - Ausrüstung Laden</German> <French>Caisse Virtuelle - Charger</French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Load_LOR"> <Original>Load On Respawn</Original> <German>Beim Respawn laden</German> <French>Charg. à la réap</French> <Polish>ZaÅ‚aduj przy respawnie</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Load_btnLoad"> <Original>Load</Original> <German>Laden</German> <French>Charger</French> <Polish>ZaÅ‚aduj</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Load_btnDelete"> <Original>Delete</Original> <German>Löschen</German> <French>Supprimer</French> <Polish>UsuÅ„</Polish> </Key> </Package> <Package name="SaveGear"> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Save_Title"> <Original>Virtual Ammobox System - Save Gear</Original> <German>Virtual Ammobox System - Ausrüstung Speichern</German> <French>Caisse Virtuelle - Sauver</French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Save_btnSave"> <Original>Save</Original> <German>Speichern</German> <French>Sauver</French> <Polish>Zapisz</Polish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_VAS_Save_CLN"> <Original>Custom Loadout Name</Original> <German>Angepasste Ausrüstung</German> <French>Nom de l'emplacement perso</French> </Key> </Package> </Project> <Project ID="Arma2"> <Package ID="Missions"> <Container ID=""> <Key ID="STR_f_param_debugMode"> <English> Debug Mode </English> <Czech> Debug mód </Czech> <German> Debug-Modus </German> <Polish> Debug Mode </Polish> <Russian> Режим отладки </Russian> <Spanish> Modo Debug </Spanish> <French> Mode Debug </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_backpacks"> <English> Backpacks </English> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_timeOfDay"> <English> Time of Day </English> <French> Heure de la journée </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option0"> <English> Dawn </English> <Czech> SvÃtánà </Czech> <German> Morgendämmerung </German> <Polish> Swit </Polish> <Russian> РаÑÑвет </Russian> <Spanish> Amanecer </Spanish> <French> Aube </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option1"> <English> Early Morning </English> <German> Früher Morgen </German> <Polish> Wczesny Ranek </Polish> <Russian> Раннее утро </Russian> <French> Matin </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option2"> <English> Morning </English> <German> Morgen </German> <Polish> Ranek </Polish> <Russian> Утро </Russian> <French> Matinée </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option3"> <English> Noon </English> <Czech> Poledne </Czech> <German> Mittag </German> <Polish> Poludnie </Polish> <Russian> Полдень </Russian> <Spanish> MediodÃa </Spanish> <French> Midi </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option4"> <English> Afternoon </English> <German> Nachmittag </German> <Polish> PopoÅ‚udnie </Polish> <Russian> Середина Ð´Ð½Ñ </Russian> <French> Après-midi </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option5"> <English> Evening </English> <German> Abend </German> <Polish> Wieczór </Polish> <Russian> Вечер </Russian> <French> Soirée </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option6"> <English> Dusk </English> <Czech> Soumrak </Czech> <German> Abenddämmerung </German> <Polish> Zmierzch </Polish> <Russian> Сумерки </Russian> <Spanish> Atardecer </Spanish> <French> Soir </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option7"> <English> Night </English> <Czech> Noc </Czech> <German> Nacht </German> <Polish> Noc </Polish> <Russian> Ðочь </Russian> <Spanish> Noche </Spanish> <French> Nuit </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_weather"> <English> Weather </English> <French> Météo </English> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_weather_Option0"> <English> Clear (Calm)</English> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_weather_Option1"> <English> Clear (Light Winds)</English> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_weather_Option2"> <English> Clear (Strong Winds)</English> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_weather_Option3"> <English> Overcast (Calm)</English> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_weather_Option4"> <English> Overcast (Light Winds)</English> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_weather_Option5"> <English> Overcast (Strong Winds)</English> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_weather_Option6"> <English> Rain (Light Winds)</English> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_weather_Option7"> <English> Rain (Strong Winds)</English> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_weather_Option8"> <English> Storm </English> <Czech> Boure </Czech> <German> Gewitter </German> <Polish> Burza </Polish> <Russian> Гроза </Russian> <Spanish> Tormenta </Spanish> <French> Averse </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_weather_Option9"> <English> Light Fog </English> <Czech> Slabá mlha </Czech> <German> Leichter Nebel </German> <Polish> Lekka Mgla </Polish> <Russian> Туман </Russian> <Spanish> Bruma </Spanish> <French> Brume </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_weather_Option10"> <English> Heavy Fog </English> <Czech> Hustá mlha </Czech> <German> Dichter Nebel </German> <Polish> Ciezka Mgla </Polish> <Russian> ГуÑтой туман </Russian> <Spanish> Niebla </Spanish> <French> Brouillard </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_AISkill_Friendly"> <English> AI Skill (Friendly) </English> <Czech> Úroveň AI (Friendly) </Czech> <German> KI Stärke (Freundlich) </German> <Polish> UmiejÄ™tnoÅ›ci SI (Friendly) </Polish> <Russian> Ðавык ИИ (Свои) </Russian> <Spanish> Habilidad de la IA (Amistoso): </Spanish> <French> Capacité IA (Alliés) </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_AISkill_Enemy"> <English> AI Skill (Enemy) </English> <Czech> Úroveň AI (Enemy) </Czech> <German> KI Stärke (Feindlich) </German> <Polish> UmiejÄ™tnoÅ›ci SI (Enemy) </Polish> <Russian> Ðавык ИИ (Враги) </Russian> <Spanish> Habilidad de la IA (Enemigo): </Spanish> <French> Capacité IA (Enemies) </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_AISkill_BLUFOR"> <English> AI Skill (BLUFOR) </English> <Czech> Úroveň AI (BLUFOR) </Czech> <German> KI Stärke (BLUFOR) </German> <Polish> UmiejÄ™tnoÅ›ci SI (BLUFOR): </Polish> <Russian> Ðавык ИИ (BLUFOR) </Russian> <Spanish> Habilidad de la IA (BLUFOR): </Spanish> <French> Capacité IA (BLUFOR) </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_AISkill_OPFOR"> <English> AI Skill (OPFOR) </English> <Czech> Úroveň AI (OPFOR) </Czech> <German> KI Stärke (OPFOR) </German> <Polish> UmiejÄ™tnoÅ›ci SI (OPFOR) </Polish> <Russian> Ðавык ИИ (OPFOR) </Russian> <Spanish> Habilidad de la IA (OPFOR) </Spanish> <French> Capacité IA (OPFOR) </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_AISkill_Option0"> <English> Super </English> <Czech> Super </Czech> <German> Super </German> <Polish> Super </Polish> <Russian> Супер </Russian> <Spanish> Súper </Spanish> <French> Super </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_AISkill_Option1"> <English> High </English> <Czech> Vysoká </Czech> <German> Stark </German> <Polish> Wysoka </Polish> <Russian> Ð’Ñ‹Ñокий </Russian> <Spanish> Alta </Spanish> <French> Élevé </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_AISkill_Option2"> <English> Medium </English> <Czech> StÅ™ednà </Czech> <German> Mittel </German> <Polish> Åšrednia </Polish> <Russian> Средний </Russian> <Spanish> Media </Spanish> <French> Moyen </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_param_AISkill_Option3"> <English> Low </English> <Czech> StÅ™ednà </Czech> <German> Schwach </German> <Polish> Niska </Polish> <Russian> Ðизкий </Russian> <Spanish> Baja </Spanish> <French> Bas </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_UnauthorisedCrew_Warning"> <English> You are not authorised to crew this vehicle! </English> <Czech> Nejsi oprávnÄ›ný k nastoupenà do tohoto vozidla! </Czech> <German> Sie sind nicht zur Benutzung dieses Fahrzeugs autorisiert! </German> <Polish> JesteÅ› nieupoważniony do prowadzenia tego pojazdu! </Polish> <Russian> Ð’Ñ‹ не уполномочены управлÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ñтой техникой! </Russian> <Spanish> ¡No estás autorizado a utilizar este vehÃculo! </Spanish> <French> Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à acceder à ce véhicule! </French> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_mapClickTeleportAction"> <English> Teleport </English> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_mapClickTeleportSelect"> <English> Click on the map to set teleport coordinates. </English> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_mapClickTeleportDone"> <English> You have teleported to your chosen location. </English> </Key> <Key ID="STR_f_JIP_reinforcementOptionsAction"> <English> Select Reinforcement Options</English> </Key> </Container> </Package> </Project> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blitzer134 1 Posted August 7, 2013 Thanks A lot for Everything Tonic- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Garmagor 10 Posted November 22, 2013 Hey. I can't post new threads due to forum regulations. So, Sorry if this digs up an old thread. I'm having an issue trying to merge my stringtable.csv with the XML one required by the VAS system. CSV: LANGUAGE,English STR_CFG_PAPABEAR,SYSTEM STR_CFG_FIREFLYBASE, UPLINK Thats all I have in there, and its there to change the base codeenames for radios. I've tried to include both the csv and the xml files but the XML seems to override the csv file. I have no idea how to add the information on the csv to the xml, adding it plainly did not seem to work. Can you help me? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites