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Changing Weapons in config for Troops

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hello, Im new to arma 2 + expansions, I downloaded a pack called vilas_wwp and wanted to give the FIA RESISTANCE pack galils and g3's. Now the problem is i dont want to use the switchweapon technique, i want them to be permanent. I tried editing the config with notepad++ and some what did, but it crashes when i try playing with the unit I equiped. Any ideas why it crashes?

all i did i open the cfg file and edited by just copying and pasting the vilas_galil to the ak-47 they come with; for the magazines same procedure, then i just saved it and pasted it on the addon folder of arma 2.

*its for personal use*

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Do it in your mission edior. removeAllWeaons - command

Otherone. Try to avoid to overwritte addon classes! inherit it.

Create your own manclass and inherit from Vilas. There you can chance the weapons, magazine, names, .....

Btw: Did you ask him, before you change his work?

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