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Dialog picture color

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So I finally managed to create my custom target dialog with this piece of code:

class rscTitles
	idd = 4040;
	name= "Commander targetter";
	movingEnable = false;
	enableSimulation = true;
	duration = 9999999;
	fadeIn = 0;
	fadeOut = 0;
	class controls
		class Picture: RscPicture
			idc = 4041;
			text = "dynrace\ui\commander\TargetGreen.paa";
			x = 0.475;
			y = 0.475;
			w = 0.05;
			h = 0.05;
			//colorText[] = {1,1,1,1.0};// whatever gives you a thrill 
			colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
			colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

The png/paa/tga files can be found here.

For starters, the color I gave the targeter is green, but it is displaying in a "black/grey, nog rgb kinda style".

I am however unable to give a different color to the picture.

Ive tried these 4: ctrlSetActiveColor, ctrlSetBackGroundColor, ctrlSetForeGroundColor and ctrlSetTextcolor.

All seem to have no effect. The circle keeps the same color. Anny suggestions?

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Some suggestions...

1. The image size needs to be a power of 2, so change it to 64x64, 128x128, or 256x256.

2. Make the target white in the image.

3. Follow the BIS filename convention, eg. TargetGreen_ca.paa.

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