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Simulation tasks can now potentially use one more CPU core

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Hey Guys,

am i dreaming? :bounce3:

todays DEV-Changelog



EXE rev. 08541

Size: ~352 MB

Simulation tasks can now potentially use one more CPU core

Does it really mean what i think? Could this be the long awaited milestone in Arma-MP-History?

If so - get to DEV-Branch ASAP, my server is on tonight - i want to see if / what that means in the Perfomancemonitoring with 64 Players on CTI!

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Err... am i too euphorical? Did i miss something? Do i get something wrong here?

Because i wonder that this "message" / news doesn't drop like a bomb and causes communitywide "wtfomfgbbq hell yeah hooraaayy" !?

Aren't "Simulation tasks" one of the most important and most perfomance-eating tasks of the (Server-)Engine?

Maybe i understand something wrong here? Can anyone enlighten me / us please?

Will this also and finally affect Servers/MP or only SP?

*so much excited*





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