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Multiplayer FPS Drop / Bug ? (After x minutes/hours)

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Had this a few times now and it seems very random but after playing MP for a while normally more than at least 30-45 minutes (guess) I, not always, get a massive drop in FPS from a solid 30-40 to 1-6, this seems to effect the game engine as to clear I have to quit and restart the game, I have tested by reducing ALL the video setting to the lowest possible and it has zero effect on the FPS... I alt-tab out and checked memory and all it good, no processes running out the ordinary, change the game priority to high and highest, tried to change how many CPU's used, no effect.

The transition from good FPS to 1-6FPS is instant, not degrading, so its like a switch that goes boom, FPS shot... Anyone else have this or Devs aware ? Difficult to reproduce as it takes time to appear and noone else on the server has the same issue at the same time which makes me feel its local not server.

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Sounds heat related, try using a temp monitoring tool like HWMonitor and see if your CPU or GPU go over 70c.

Does the FPS drop occur in single-player/multi-player/both?

You mentioned you've tried changing how many CPUs you use. Are you using a Dual CPU server or something?

You should post your computer specs/DXDiag report.

Edit: Some settings (e.g. shadows) when set to low will fall back to being processed on the CPU alone. Setting things to low does not necessarily mean it will help.

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Heat not a problem, no over clock on anything and specs in my sig.

I'm able to play A2 for hours on servers and to date of had this issue with any other game including Crysis 3, BF series, Metro 2033 etc etc.

Sure its sounds heat but it appears like a trigger I.e. one moment every thing is fine then flick of a switch fps are 1-6 fish (going by in game fps counter in settings). Temps in PC don't go above 60°c, same for all games, normally when I've seen temp issues it displays artifacts this just slows the game down, immediately exit and join again its all fine for the next few hours, if it was heat and something else running then it would not do this.

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What do your RPT files say? anything unusual when the fps drop occurs?

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can you install msi afterburner or evga precision x or something to monitor gpu usage when it happens as well?

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