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Crash when joining multi player servers -arma 3 has stopped working

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I am having a problem where every time I join a multiplayer server a window pops up saying arma 3 has stopped working.

here is the details it gives:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: arma3.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 51ee90e3

Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll

Fault Module Version: 6.0.6002.18541

Fault Module Timestamp: 4ec3e39f

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 0004cd3b

OS Version: 6.0.6002.

Locale ID: 2057

Additional Information 1: 9e64

Additional Information 2: c320c258a69bdbd95d1fa88ef9bcee73

Additional Information 3: ebb9

Additional Information 4: f9bb9fa536931d76b85ca390bc05018b

It was working before but not anymore and I don't know why!

Pls help!


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Dev build doesnt work..start parameters doesnt work...validating doesnt work..and reinstall doesnt work...i played this game from day 1 alpha with no problems then out of the blue two nights ago after a server restart i have this issue...This blows!...

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this happens to me all the time.. i simply just start my own server or start a singleplayer showcase and then join the server i want to join. that fix's it for me.. its odd

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Crash after the uptade today (12:02) Unable to connect in a multiplayer game.

Signature du problème***:

Nom d’événement de problème: APPCRASH

Nom de l’application: arma3.exe

Version de l’application:

Horodatage de l’application: 52001c95

Nom du module par défaut: arma3.exe

Version du module par défaut:

Horodateur du module par défaut: 52001c95

Code de l’exception: c0000005

Décalage de l’exception: 001f5d35

Version du système: 6.1.7601.

Identificateur de paramètres régionaux: 1036

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windows 7 64 bit.

this also happens every so often with everyone i play with... i just tell them to start there own server/ load a showcase etc. that fix's it. almost like it refreshes something i guess idk

edit: also it only does it with 1 server(not 1 server in particular just the you've been playing on for a couple hours) it'll crash over and over until i join a different server or do the above

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windows 7 64 bit.

this also happens every so often with everyone i play with... i just tell them to start there own server/ load a showcase etc. that fix's it. almost like it refreshes something i guess idk

edit: also it only does it with 1 server(not 1 server in particular just the you've been playing on for a couple hours) it'll crash over and over until i join a different server or do the above

Could you find the crash information at the end of your .RPT file or in the Windows Event Viewer and post it here?

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Seems to be happening to me today too. Am on the Dev build running Windows 8 x64.

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Im on stable and dev both cause crash's with or without mods. I've tried both.

And also it happens in large groups like we will all be running around and bam everyone without 200m of us will crash. idk if its 200m exactly just viewing distance i guess... idk games weird sometimes. again with and without mods... I'll pack up all my dumps for you to look at.. i have a lot. some are mod related some arent as i test mods working together before i allow them on my server.

Here's all my thingy's. I know some crash's are mod related but it happens even without mods.


I also run a server so i could give you those logs too if you need them.. but they are super large like 14 gigs.( should i just delete it) i could just do a search through the log if you tell me what to look for.

I think its the Bone Structure errors since my buddy mentioned he gets the same errors when his game crash's when he joins a server.

Edited by uber3999

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When it crashes it usually crashes for a bunch of people on the server at once and will crash on login (after lobby) from then on but not if you join a different server.

So that means as funny as some solutions seem they make sense.

Something (that has to get fixed) seems to corrupt something in the mission file on client side.

So what works for me is joining another server past lobby until I spawn to force arma to recieve a new mission file.

Then exit and load back into your recent server.

NOW arma is forced to reload this mission file and it seems to overwrite the broken one from before...until whatever event caused it happens again.

(I assume the same thing happens with the other solutions described here. Entering editor or singleplayer might force the reload of the mission file when going multiplayer again.)

The explanation is all speculation but it works for me so I don't think I'm too far off.

Good luck!

Edited by weltensegler

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Good luck!

Can delete the mp mission to force a reload here:

%APPDATA%\..\local\arma 3\MPMissionsCache

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