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Dynamic-Ai-Creator Question

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Hey, I just started using DAC recently. I can spawn in AI Zones pretty well. But my question is, how do I spawn in Takistani Insurgents instead of the regular Russian Insurgents? I can't quiet seem to find a clear explanation on the forums.

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Refer you to this document: http://www.havoc-company.com/downloads/DAC_V3_Readme.pdf.

also go into the DAC files, that you downloaded and have a look inside \DAC_V3_c\DAC_script\DAC_Basic_Files\DAC\Configs\DAC_Config_Units.sqf

You will see that Case's 1 - 14

case 0 = Russians

case 1 = USMC

case 2 = Insurgents

case 3 = Civilians

case 4 = FR

case 5 = CDF

case 6 = NAPA

case 7 = MVD

case 8 = Spetsnaz with custom gear

case 9 = Takistani Army

case 10 = Takistani Militia

case 11 = Takistani Locals

case 12 = US Army

case 13 = US Delta Force

case 14 = Czech Army

case 15 = German KSK

so have your line look like this:

nul = ["Zone1",[1,0,0],[3,3,20,6],[],[],[],[0,0,0,0,1]] spawn DAC_Zone;

will give you russians.

nul = ["Zone1",[1,0,0],[3,3,20,6],[],[],[],[[b]0,10,0,0,1[/b]]] spawn DAC_Zone;

will give you Takistani Militia.

Please use the right forums tho, the right place to ask would have been here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?99753-Dynamic-AI-Creator-(DAC)-V3-0-released

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