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SideChat problem. Remove callsing number

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I did a lot of research on this but I could not find the answer. For anyone who has played the Red Hammer campaign in OFP, if you remember the HQ is named Eagle. I was wondering if it is possible to make a sideChat from Eagle. So far I've tried the following stuff:

1st - East unit named Eaglebase. init field -

this setGroupId ["EAGLE"]

problem on the chat is it appears EAGLE 1. So I need a way to remove the callsign number.

2nd - I tried with game logic, but it only works for globalChat

Logiceaglebase globalChat "EAGLE: blah blah blah"

I tried making the game logic to east side but then it acts like a unit and has it's own standard ArmA 2 callsign.

3rd - Obviosly this doesn't work -

[east, "EAGLE"] sideChat "Blah blah blah"

Neither does

EAGLE = [east, "base"] sideChat "Blah blah blah"

And I don't want to edit the stringable.csv. I am looking for a editor/script way to do this. Thanks.

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