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Suggestion: bring Ultimativ Air Land Sea Warfare to ARMA 3

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Hey Guys, maybe greetings Bohemia

At first sorry for my english i hope as a german speaking man you can understand me. Also i hope this is the right treat for this, if not sorry. Normaly im not the forum Member so this will be my first post here, but I do not want to keep this idea for myself. I would like to know what you think of it.

I am since the first steps of arma 2 a fan of the CTI Warfare Gameplay. Today a saw a community build destroyer warship the first thougt was: wow cool this would be awsesome in CTI. So i startet to think a little bit more about it.

What would be if bohemia ore the community build the opportunity to have ships in warfare. Probably a fleet on each side from ther the teams start. Maybe rebuild ore renew the whole cti Gameplay. Im not a fan of bf3 but when we take that ticketing system and change it a little bit to it this gameplay whould be fun. A team has at the start a pool of tickets thes tickets can be filled if you landed and take some citys like in normal CTI but if you have no ore not enogh citys on the island you will loose these. A Team can win if it takes the isle and defend it against landing troobs as long they have no tickets, this is one possibilitiy.

The fleet can be upgraded after time for Radar better AA ore better naval / amphibian Landing units, artilery cruse missiles for support. Cti could be rebuild also on land. The Team can only build some amphibian or low air vehicles without a upgradet fleet. First steps of the team should be the Landing and a build of a first outpost, (Maybe build a support rout but im not sure if im not thinking to far and ruin a gammode for it) now you can start to build some Land Vehicles but not all. Various citys could give varius bonuses take a Airbase gives you better Air, Take a Military Base gives you better Tanks usw. I think about a little bit more variety who to chose what to take next. Its good for teamplay and it gives you mor game depth than "go there and take the citys".

And so you can also take a Radar Station. This takes me to the next step to win a game. Destroy the enemy Carrier. Radar station for Example gives your Carrier the possibility to watch the air around it. As long as the team has a unsabotaged (sabotage a normaly unreachable base could be also a very cool feature) the Fleet has a AA Radar that makes the carrier nearly untouchable.

Radar for example could be also upgradet at high kosts at a support ship. So Next Point Divers, i fear in normal arma (no coop or specialised gampelay) Diving will be "sinking" ;) . But if the divers could Sabotage enemy fleets with this there could be a golden age for divers.

So i can talk much more about it but i dont want to bore you about my brainstorming.

So people, what would you think about it. Give Warfare a new scale. Make arma to the ultimate warfer game. I am looking forward to your comments.

Here im talking about the gold status Arma.

Thanks Bohemia about this great Game they build. Thanks the Community for all the great mods.

Greetings from Austria


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Mission idea.

---------- Post added at 19:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

We may see more naval units in dlc or expansions.

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