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Save value in mp campain (v1.75 only)

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I'm working for a MP CO_OP campain with new rules :scoring, some limited RPG capacities...( i think than SP is a realistic tactic's game and MP is another game ).

I've tried to make a genuine Campain with MP Missions ...

no success.

SaveVar is working only on SP Campain.

The main problem was to save the campain values and parameters along the campain.

There is a way : SaveStatus and LoadStatus working in MP

I use some Game Logic for saving the campain value in field Dammage and Skill (in real domain from 0 to 1).

I save this values by setdammage ( dont must be egal to 0 !wink.gif

and SetSkill and the end's missions

I load this value by Getdammage and GetSkill a the start of the next missions.

The names of Game Logic must be the same between maps

It's not perfect but it's working,

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