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Weapon Aiming Sway

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What parameter controls weapons aiming sway?

Edited by Bigpickle

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Do you mean as you get fatigued? Or as you aim? Or just the overall dispersion of the weapon?

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aim sway, like when your looking down sights or in scope etc thanks

p.s your Scimitar's are beautiful, really hoping they make it to A3 at some point.

Edited by Bigpickle

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I suspect the aim sway is controlled by a core function, and may be determined by the skill setting of the player? Again, that is just guess work but off the top of my head I don't ever remember seeing a number etc in the actual weapon cfgs that hint at controlling that.

Been working on both the Scimitar and the Warthog over the past few weeks, so expect to see a wee thread being posted!

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I don't ever remember seeing a number etc in the actual weapon cfgs that hint at controlling that.

Me neither :/ ah well worth asking i guess.

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Look for anywhere which has similar entries like "CfgLmao" (hopefully doesn't actually exist), basically anything with a Cfg prefix. add CfgImprecision in there and then if it works, leave it, if it doesn't, try another file :P

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Look for anywhere which has similar entries like "CfgLmao" (hopefully doesn't actually exist), basically anything with a Cfg prefix. add CfgImprecision in there and then if it works, leave it, if it doesn't, try another file :P

Haha the cfgtrolled exists deep within the non viewable code :p

The problem with just adding a CfgImprecision is that it is just the title of a group of similar params, the actual controlling parameter would be included within CfgImprecision as an example something like:

class CfgImprecision 

 [color="#FF0000"] Imprecision=10;[/color]

If you don't know or cant find the bit in red it cannot be changed.

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Had a quick look and found this in the bin.pbo

class CfgImprecision
class Small
	horizontalRadius = 0.6;
	verticalRadius = 0.45;
	speed = 0.6;
class Big
	radius = 4;
	acceleration = 2.2;
class Common
	maxMultiplier = 2.8;
	speedCoef = 1.2;
	sizeCoef = 0.4;
class Screen
	minCursorOffset = -0.3;
	maxCursorOffset = 1;
	screenToCursor = 50;
class Multipliers
	fatigue = 1;
	damage = 1;

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Thanks surpher, I just found it in config viewer at the same time. I'm thinking it might be protected atm, will test and get back with answer.

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