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New Respawn System

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Hello, new poster here and currently learning editor functions. :)

This was included in todays update for Arma3..

•Added: Respawn Position module - adds respawn point for specific side and unit/vehicle type

•Added: Vehicle Respawn module - set vehicle respawn, including customizable position, delay, notification, etc.

This no longer works in editor: ( description.ext)

respawn = "instant";

respawndelay = xx;

I need information on how the new system works. I want an instant respawn or on group respawn. Help?


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I wouldn't bother with this until it's on the stable branch to be honest. There's too many half implemented and broken features with the dev branch right now that you really shouldn't be using it to make missions.

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I realize that and appreciate your response. Consider it a learning experience. The missions are just for me and friends to run around in. Having no respawn options is a killer.

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The thing is, that change is from less than 12 hours ago and is most probably a bug and will hopefully be fixed tomorrow so even attempting to figure out why it's broken and how to work around is it kinda futile if it'll end up working tomorrow. Dev branch bugs should be reported in detail and then you move on to something else. :)

With testing in the dev branch your code as written is working with or without the respawn module on the map. But since you're using INSTANT respawn, there's no need for the module or the traditional respawn marker since you just spawn where you died.

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For those wondering about how to use the respawn, you'll need to use the multiplayer editor:

  1. go to multiplayer
  2. hit new server
  3. make a new mission in the multiplayer editor and save it
  4. leave the editor
  5. in your arma 3 profile under my documents, locate where you saved the mission in MPMissions
  6. add a file called description.ext with the following content:

respawn = "BASE";
respawnDelay = 30;
respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition"};
respawnOnStart = 1;

This enables the infantry respawn system

Then you'll want to put down players as normal, but feel free to stick down infantry respawn points. When you die you'll get the option to select a respawn point:


If you sync (f5) the respawn point to a trigger, it'll become enabled once that trigger gets filled, for example, here's an infantry respawn synced to a trigger with conditions OPFOR and NOT PRESENT. When i kill the opfor units the respawn gets enabled



If the trigger is set to 'repeat,' the spawn point will be removed when the trigger condition becomes false. for our example you would lose ther spawn if more opfor came in range, and would get it back again when they were killed. This can lead to very nice situations with the new sector control module, enabling respawns based on which areas you have captured.

Vehicle respawns are similar, you put down a "respawn position" for various vehicles types. You then put Vehicle Respawn down and sync it to any vehicles you want to have respawn on demand. Setting the 'starting position' controls where it will come back. To use the respawn positions you want to select a side's respawn marker, and optionally which respawn marker to use (new will used the most recently activated one, old the one that was activated first). "tickets" lets you control how many times the vehicle can respawn.

My current issue with the vehicle respawn is that there doesn't seem to be a way to have the vehicle not spawn on mission start. It would also be nice to have a range on the 'deserted' system, so you could set a vehicle to be deserted after 10 seconds, but not have it violently explode around people as they got out.

Overall though, it's a very nice system, and you should use it in your missions

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My current issue with the vehicle respawn is that there doesn't seem to be a way to have the vehicle not spawn on mission start. It would also be nice to have a range on the 'deserted' system, so you could set a vehicle to be deserted after 10 seconds, but not have it violently explode around people as they got out.

Vehicle Respawn module in the same category does precisely that ;)

I'm going to write more detailed description of these modules soon.

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Vehicle Respawn module in the same category does precisely that ;)

I'm going to write more detailed description of these modules soon.

This is the vehicle respawn, it's just a few odd cases that I would like to use them in that I can't quite seem to make them do

Keep up the awesome work on the modules :yay:

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Vehicle Respawn module in the same category does precisely that ;)

I'm going to write more detailed description of these modules soon.

At least yesterday it was always blowing up on respawn. Also any way to get it to always return to the exact spot rather than 'nearest unoccupied area' to where it started?

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