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pilot check loop ?

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what is the best way to loop this script

chopper1 addEventHandler ["GetIn", { 
       _vehicle = _this select 0; 
       _seat = _this select 1; 
       _unit = _this select 2; 

       _pilotSeats = [ "driver", "gunner" ]; 

       if( ( _seat in _pilotSeats ) ) then { 
           if( !( _unit getVariable [ "PilotCanFly", false ] ) ) then { 
               _unit action [ "eject", _vehicle ]; 
chopper2 addEventHandler ["GetIn", { 
       _vehicle = _this select 0; 
       _seat = _this select 1; 
       _unit = _this select 2; 

       _pilotSeats = [ "driver", "gunner" ]; 

       if( ( _seat in _pilotSeats ) ) then { 
           if( !( _unit getVariable [ "PilotCanFly", false ] ) ) then { 
               _unit action [ "eject", _vehicle ]; 

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Searching would be the best way. There's been dozens of posts about this very issue already, some pretty recent.

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For more than just pilots, SaMatra did awesome work! Set the forbidden seats, vehicles and operators/crew to your liking. Remove the other restrictions if undesired.


//Script by Sa-Matra
true spawn {
   //List of pilot classes, crewman classes, affected aircraft classes and affected vehicle classes
  [b] _pilots = ["B_Helipilot_F"];
   _crewmen = ["B_crew_F"];
   _diver = ["B_diver_F"];	
   _aircraft = ["B_Heli_Transport_01_F","B_Heli_Attack_01_F","I_Heli_Transport_02_F","O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F"];
   _armor = ["B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F"];
   _sub = ["B_SDV_01_F"];[/b]

   //Wait until player is fully loaded
   waitUntil {player == player};

   //Check if player is pilot or crewman, you can add more classes into arrays
   iampilot = (typeOf player) in _pilots;
   iamcrewman = (typeOf player) in _crewmen;
   iamdiver = (typeOf player) in _diver;

   //Never ending cycle
   while{true} do {
       //Wait until player's vehicle changed
       _oldvehicle = vehicle player;
       waitUntil {vehicle player != _oldvehicle};

       //If player is inside vehicle and not on foot
       if(vehicle player != player) then {
           _veh = vehicle player;

           //Check if vehicle is aircraft and player is not pilot
           if((typeOf _veh) in _aircraft && !iampilot) then {
               //Forbidden seats: copilot, gunner, pilot
               [b]_forbidden = [_veh turretUnit [0]] + [gunner _veh] + [driver _veh];[/b]
               if(player in _forbidden) then {
                   systemChat "You are not authorized to operate this aircraft!";
                   player action ["eject", _veh];

           //Check if vehicle is armor and player is not crewman
           if((typeOf _veh) in _armor && !iamcrewman) then {
               //Forbidden seats: gunner, driver
              [b] _forbidden = [driver _veh] + [gunner _veh];[/b]
               if(player in _forbidden) then {
                   systemChat "You are not authorized to operate this vehicle!";
                   player action ["eject", _veh];

   //Check if vehicle is armor and player is not crewman
          if((typeOf _veh) in _sub && !iamdiver) then {
              //Forbidden seats: gunner, driver
             [b] _forbidden = [_veh turretUnit [0]] + [gunner _veh] + [driver _veh];[/b]
              if(player in _forbidden) then {
                  systemChat "You are not authorized to operate this submersible!";
                  player action ["eject", _veh];



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