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ArmA 3 Beta Editor - Help - Ambient Semi-Accurate Mortar Fire

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Hey Guys

I have another one for you!!!

Any Ideas on how i can get "mortar fire" that seems unendless that hits always at ranges from 10m to 50m from the player wherever he is. They could just be explosions not actual mortars.

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Here's what I used in ArmA2, based on the script in one of the BAF missions.


mortarFalling = FALSE;
_mortars = [m1,m2,m3];
{[getPos player, _x, observer, true] execVM "mortars.sqf"} forEach _mortars;  // using optional player tracking


_targetPos = _this select 0;
_mortar = _this select 1;
_observer = _this select 2;
_tracking = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {false}; // Optional tracking, added by kylania

_observerCoef = 1;

//while {alive gunner _mortar} do {
while {mortarsActive} do {	
if (_tracking) then {_targetPos = getPos (vehicle player)}; // Optional tracking, added by kylania
if (!(alive _observer)) then {_observerCoef = 3};
_randomPos = [_targetPos, (random 150) * _observerCoef, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
{if (_randomPos distance _x < 5) then {_randomPos = [position _x, 5, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos}} forEach units player;
impactArea setPos _randomPos;
mortarFalling = TRUE;
publicVariable "mortarFalling";
sleep 1.75;

_shell = "Sh_85_AP" createVehicle _randomPos;
mortarFalling = FALSE;
publicVariable "mortarFalling";

sleep ((15 + random 15) * _observerCoef)

Might need to switch the shell class to an ArmA3 one.

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