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How to create a new character

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I change a character model based on AA2 russian man'p3d.i make the new parts to original selection.but i have some part of model distortion when i load the rtm to check out it.


just like this picture.these deform points i never change them.but the points which i changed is ok and when i put them in game,my character is get into the ground.

i don't kown why,i need some experts.

Edited by happystar

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You must weight the parts you changed. Make sure you add them to the correct points, or else you will have this problem. If you attach to the wrong areas you will also have this problem. Example, if you attached the left arm to "spine2" whenever character moves his lower back his left arm could distort and cause visible problems.

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i'm new for O2,do you have some detail articals??and i don't kown how to how to weight the parts~~~

but i'm make sure i attached the right selection for each part.

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i'm new for O2,do you have some detail articals??and i don't kown how to how to weight the parts~~~

but i'm make sure i attached the right selection for each part.

I've written an overview to weighting, it hopefully will help with explaining what it is and the basics of how to go about doing it

STALKERGBs Weighting overview

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thanks you very much,and i also had a video Tutorial(ArmA2 Character Rigging Tutorial #2).i almost know how these points to work,but the Tutorial only tell me how to make "spine".but i think arms are the most difficult parts.i can't make arms good to look......i need your help !!!!



the right arm is totally wrong,and the left arm is not going well!!!

i really try much time to make it goes well,but it always has so much wrong !!!!!!

i really need your help

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Hmm, I would suggest copying your model into a new LOD then remove all the selections for one arm at a time, (so delete LeftArm, LeftArmRoll, LeftForeArm, LeftForeArmRoll for example). Like I said in my overview, it's not really possible to teach someone how to actually weight models in O2, it's mainly a case of trial and error.

That said I would suggest taking the advice of using a reference model (either the arma 1/2/3 samples) so you can see how much each area should be weighted along the arm:


Also, rather than doing all 4 arm selections at once, I'd try to get LeftArm working first, I tend to work from the shoulder down towards the arm when I weight models in O2. I'll also say, it's definitely not a quick process, it can take weeks to even get it looking vaguely correct before the fine tuning starts.

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thanks you guys,i had made them goes wll,,,i m very happy!!!

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