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Helo Insertion while FLYING the Helo

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OK...I am new to the whole scripting but not Arma. I have played this fine game since Operation Flashpoint. So I got bored one day and thought "hey I should learn to make my own missions". Well being

an airline pilot, I gravitate towards the aviation side. Most help videos, walkthroughs, help, etc that hold the newbies hand tend to be for the ground based side. So instead of punching my computer in its virtual

face I decided to put my pride aside and ask....

I am trying to get a helicopter (type doesn't matter) from point a to point b with me (the player) at the controls with a team of some sorts. I can get the team to load up, but they over stay their welcome when

the ride comes to the end. The only time I got a guy to exit was either A) I crashed or B)I assigned the guy "incargo" and told him to get his ass off my chopper. My setup has varied but I put the invisible helipad,

define separate waypoints for the helo and the guy (or team), tried load/unload, getin/getout and the transport unload. I'm sure its something easy that I am missing.

I have to say the IED mission I made was way easier thanks to the youtube video. Cool dude who did that video. Be gentle, I get rocked at work enough and I have a pregnant wife....thanks in advance gentlemen.

Oh and I apologize in advance if there is a thread covering this, I plead it was either over my head, or my ADD kicked in...:)

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You could just hit ~ key then click Dismount and all your guys will get out of the helicopter.

You can also script it to automatically disembark by first naming your group in your player's init field:

playerGroup = group player;

Then in the onAct of a MOVE waypoint just before you land type:

{unassignVehicle _x} forEach units playerGroup; commandGetOut units playerGroup;

That'll issue the disembark command and everyone, including you, will get out when you land.

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Those are the commands I kept finding. However I am flying the helicopter (ie I'm the pilot), it would be bad for business if I punched out with the infantry. All I want is to script it to when I land the helicopter, at the waypoint I choose , the infantry hops out of the helicopter and I fly off into the sunset while the infantry does its thing. Thanks for the response though, I am going to log that away for future missions.

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No need to log it away for future missions, it's exactly what you're asking for. Try it before dismissing it.

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Actually it is not what I am looking for. Your commands work great, however there might be a misunderstanding. The intention of the script you provided, everyone, including me gets out.

Thats not what I want to happen because I am the pilot of the helicopter and the mission is to RTB in the helicopter (refuel) and do a pickup somewhere else on the map (all with the player

(me) flying the helicopter). At no point in the mission should I exit the helo.

Here is the setup;

1xUH80, unit name helo1

1xSniper, unit name unit1

unit 1 starts in cargo just fine, then when I fly to the move waypoint he does not get out, unless he is linked to me then I can tell him to get out obviously and therefore he is now a part of my "unit".

However the eventual movements of the sniper is that he is going to go do his own thing, while I finish the mission as the pilot. So I am lost. Kylania, I appreciate your help, I had tried it, I even

visited your website to look for my answer. Like I said before I am trying to learn this so I can at least extrapolate and learn on my own. And thus far I have, this one is kicking my butt.

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Oh, so you're looking for something like the Merlin missions from BAF where you were sent out to transport units as opposed to you leading a group. That's all done via scripting and FSM actually. They check when your helicopter is within range of a marker and stopped on the ground then they order the units to get into your helicopter.

reached LZ:

merlin distance markerPos ((BIS_missionScope getVariable "transport_assets") select 1) < 200 && position merlin select 2 < 1 && speed merlin < 5


{_x assignAsCargo merlin; [_x] orderGetIn TRUE; _x setSpeedMode "FULL"} forEach units ((BIS_missionScope getVariable "transport_assets") select 0);


{vehicle _x != merlin && alive _x} count units _task_grp == 0;


{unassignVehicle _x; [_x] orderGetIn FALSE} forEach units ((BIS_missionScope getVariable "transport_assets") select 0)


{vehicle _x == merlin && alive _x} count units _task_grp == 0;

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Here's a quick and dirty way.

1. Make sure the group you want to insert is not part of your group (use moveInCargo+assignAsCargo or a "Get In" waypoint to get them inside).

2. Give your chopper a transport unload waypoint (with a small completion radius).

3. Fly the chopper to the waypoint and land: the troops will exit.

I just tried this in the editor and it worked.

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And both sets of code worked flawlessly. Thank you MadocComadrin and kylania, my computer can live to play another day. I appreciate the help. Now I can dig just a little deeper into this editing stuff.

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