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Dave -OFPL-


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Right I am planning on setting up a server and was wondering if anyone knows how much bandwith OFP uses say per hour with about 12 people on the server??

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My experince:

The bandwith on a dedic is between 56-130 kbits/s per user. Even if a user has more than 130 to server it doesn't use it, except when downloading missions.

If the 12 people connectin have DSL, you could estimate 12*130= 1560 kbits/s plus downloads of maps. Say medium size map is 100 k, twice an hour. The rest is math.



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On our server average usage with 20 players is 1.5Mbps outgoing traffic/0.5Mbps incoming.

During download phase, if a lot of users don't have map, outgoing is reaching 2.5Mbps, but for shorter time.


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