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Dynamic conversations using new method - is it possible?

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Is it possible to create a dynamic conversation using the new method described here?


Four soldiers need to speak with a civilian to get vital intel from him. All they have to do is aproach the civ and the conversation will fire. Now, I want the soldier that aproached the civ first to be the one doing the talking (because by the time the conversation is required to proceed with the mission, the team of soldiers could have already suffered casualties).

s1 kbAddTopic ["DynamicTest", "DataBase.bikb", ""];
Civilian kbAddTopic ["DynamicTest", "DataBase.bikb", ""];

s1 kbTell [Civilian, "DynamicTest", "Hi"];
waitUntil {s1 kbWasSaid [Civilian, "DynamicTest", "Hi", 2]};

Civilian kbTell [s1, "DynamicTest", "Hello"];
waitUntil {Civilian kbWasSaid [s1, "DynamicTest", "Hello", 2]};

s1 kbTell [Civilian, "DynamicTest", "WhereIsIntel"];
waitUntil {s1 kbWasSaid [Civilian, "DynamicTest", "WhereIsIntel", 2]};

Isn't it possible to create a variable that englobes all team members? Imagine they are named s1, s2, s3, s4. Can't I store them into a variable such as _unit?

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