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Camp Tempest critical mission bug

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On the first mission i keep getting shot from the air,no enemies spotted but all my troops die,i put them all on different buildings but they couldnt locate any enemies.

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not talking about the same :S my bad.

Edited by becario

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could you please elaborate that a bit? You finished the bootcamp tutorial, started the first campaign mission and then...? You don't see any enemy all while getting shot at? Are there no target icons at the top right corner of the screen?

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Yes,I finished the tutorial and then get into the first mission.I kill a couple of guys at the start and afterwards move up a little bit and start getting shot from nowhere.No enemies marked,no target icons on the right side of the screen or anything.I move my troops all over the place trying to spot the enemy soldiers but nothing.

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Hmm, that's quite strange. Is there possibly any way for you to post a screenshot of the situation? Even a photo of the screen would be fine...

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