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Help with Recruit Script - Need to limit execution

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Hey guys, quick question, I'm making a custom mission where the player needs to have the ability to quickly pull a AI squad, I have constructed this script to allow him to do so.

"B_soldier_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player]; 
"B_soldier_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player]; 
"B_soldier_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player]; 
"B_soldier_repair_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player]; 
"B_medic_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player]; 

w/ This is the "Recruiters" init line

this addAction ["Recruit Fanboi", {_this execVM "rec.sqf"}] ;

That all works fine, But i'm worried when I get out of the development stage there is nothing to stop players from just spamming that action key. I was wondering if there is a way to use a If/Then statement to set somthing like "This script can only be executed every X number of seconds"

Any ideas?

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you could do it by time or have a "max units" setting, but that would take more scripting and testing than I would like to do at the moment. the time one however is easy :)


_recruiter = _this select 0;
_id = _this select 2;
_timelimit = 10; //number of seconds you want to wait before the action comes back up

removeaction _id;

"B_soldier_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player]; 
"B_soldier_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player]; 
"B_soldier_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player]; 
"B_soldier_repair_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player]; 
"B_medic_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player];

sleep _timelimit;

_recruiter addaction ["Recruit Fanboi","rec.sqf"];

I didnt test this, but I think itll work!

also you might want to make the recruiter invincible so that frustrated people dont just shoot him and therefore make the action no longer usable

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not working sadly, says that the _recuriter is not defined =/

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Try something similar to what I've written below. This would limit both the time in between recruiting, and the amount of times a player can recruit. Look into using addAction and removeAction within the script.


_max = 10;
_cur = 0;

if (_cur > _max) then {
   "B_soldier_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player]; 
   "B_soldier_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player]; 
   "B_soldier_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player]; 
   "B_soldier_repair_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player]; 
   "B_medic_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "hire", group player];
   _cur = _cur + 1;
   sleep 10;
} else {
   hint "You have reached the recruitment limit.";

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