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5th Marine Corps Recruitment Thread

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5th Marine Corps

Website: http://5thmarinecorps.shivtr.com/

Contact E-mail: marinecorps5thgames@hotmail.com


Why Join 5th Marine Corps?

The 5th Marine Corps is a realism unit for Arma 2 and a good choice for gamers looking to participate in a realistic virtual battlefield experience. In 5th Marine Corps you will find your way to trough the U.S Marines Ranks.

Recruitment Requirements

Minimum age of 14

Need to know the basics of Arma2

Need to have ACE ( If you dont have ACE and ACRE, we can help you with it)

Must be able to download mods

Need to have a microphone

Need to have teamspeak 3

Ability to speak English

A legit copy of Arma II and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead

What we offer

Serious realistic teamwork focused gameplay

Alot of different missions

Help with making of missions, downloads and more.

Teamspeak 3 server

What are we looking for?

We are looking for active people with a the ability to follow instruction and progress the rank of the 5th Marine Corps. There are also leadership positions for those who with a strong leadership ability.

Edited by Sablerno

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