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[J.R} Jolly Rodger Stratis Life 2.2 Persistant world with 24/7 saves now active

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I am not part of the servers clan or an admin. However I know a lot of people have been looking forward to playing stratis life. This server popped up a couple days ago and has working saves on characters which means you don't have to start over every time you want to play. So that is a win in my book. Not to mention it seems as far as rules for cops. Which arguably is the #1 cause of ruined experiences in Taikistan and Stratis life. It seems this server has some great rules for cops so they cant harass you, and have to leave town if that actually want to catch some bad guys.

Anyhow I just wanted to make a post and let people know that server is there to play on, it does not have all it's features implemented yet however I think if they saw some decent traffic they would be inclined to get them out a little faster :)

If your having trouble finding the server go to multiplayer and click filter and type life into the mission. It should pop up with any other server. :) Cool beans catch you all later.


PS Links to server info gametracker.com/server_info/

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