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Anti-Hack: it needs some more work (2 reports) + "High FPS" servers

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I am an Arma player since years and actually I am a bit disappointed in seeing the same hacks as Arma 2, so it seems little has been done @this front.


I would like to report two different hacks I have encountered:

FIRST ONE, well-known teleport hack, but I am sure someone said it should be fixed now. Well, it's not:


SECOND ONE, server hack? of some sort? I can't understand well actually but it doesn't seem very legit to me:


I will post servers just if asked by BI.


About High FPS servers I have seen around the multiplayer browser... yeah perhaps they have a little more FPS than other servers but this result is always obtained through:

- lowering view distance

- removing grass (yeah, all)

- other graphics "artifices"

This seems too strange to me. So the only way to obtain high fps is through removing features? Isn't this s little sign of lack of optimization?




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1. BattlEye is not yet implemented

2. Yes, the game (especially MP) lacks optimization

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Thank you for contributing, however:

1. The game has no anti cheat enabled at this time. Battleye will be enabled in the BETA which is scheduled to go public on the 25'th of June.

2. For general feedback regarding performance and other game elements, you can use the Development branch discussion thread.

This thread will now be closed in order to oppress your right of speech and not because we want to keep the forum nice and tidy.

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