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drunken officer

I can not throw my addon grenade!

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First of all, i searched inside this form, but i didnt get the right answer.

I wanna add a flashbang. Model is okay. The flashbang is in my geat, but i cant throw it. And i dont find my mistake. :confused:

Here are me Settings:


class cfgAmmo
class Default;
class Grenade;
class GrenadeHand;			
class ammo_flashbang : GrenadeHand

		model= "wug\blendgranate.p3d";		
		typicalspeed = 39;



class CfgMagazines
class Default;
class CA_Magazine : Default
	scope = protected;
	value = 1;  //Magazine With Small Value Will Faster Disepear On The Ground
	displayName = ""; //Displayed In Action Menu
	model="\ca\weapons\mag_univ.p3d"; //Model Of Magazine On Ground
	picture="";//"\ca\Weapons\Data\m_m16"; //Picture In Gear?
	modelSpecial = "";  //Model Of Special Magazine Like A Mortar
	useAction = false;
	useActionTitle = "";  //Displayed In Action Menu
	reloadAction = ManActReloadMagazine;  //Animation Of Magazine Reloading
	ammo = "";  //Name Of Ammo From CFGAmmo
	count = 30; //Count Of Bullets In One Magazine
	type = WeaponSlotItem; //How Many Slots Magazine Takes (In Gear)
	initSpeed = 900;  //Initional speed of bullet
	selectionFireAnim = "zasleh"; //ToDo: wrong place?
	nameSound=""; //Sound In Radio (Commander in tank)
	maxLeadSpeed = 23;  //ToDo: wrong place?
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*THROW MAGAZINES*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
class HandGrenade: CA_Magazine {};	
class Flashbang: HandGrenade
model= "wug\blendgranate.p3d";
scope = 2;
displayName = "$STR_granate";
descriptionShort = "Ii is a flashbang";


#include "basicDefines.hpp"
#include "CfgAmmo.hpp"
#include "CfgMagazines.hpp"
class cfgWeapons
class Default;
class GrenadeLauncher;	
class Throw: GrenadeLauncher
         muzzles[] = {[b]mymuzzle[/b], HandGrenadeMuzzle, HandGrenadeTimedMuzzle, SmokeShellMuzzle, SmokeShellRedMuzzle, SmokeShellGreenMuzzle};
       class ThrowMuzzle : GrenadeLauncher {};	
class [b]mymuzzle[/b] : ThrowMuzzle
		magazines[] = {[u]Flashbang[/u]};

class HandGrenade: GrenadeLauncher
	scope = private;
	cursor = \ca\Weapons\Data\t_select;
	cursoraim = \ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty;
	cursorSize = 1;

	reloadMagazineSound[]={\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\z_sinus,db-70,1};	// reload HandGrenade
	maxLeadSpeed = 7;


class Flashbang: HandGrenade

	displayName="AMMO Flashbang";


Can anybody help me?

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Discussed here - Whilst it's for A3, the same principles apply.

Grenade is like any other weapon, it needs an ammo, a magazne and a weapon - Therefore you need to create a custom throw weapon for your grenade, OR (but not advisable) alter the current 'throw' weapon to use your magazines.

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Thx for the link. I learned a bit more. But i've still the same problem.

CfGAmmo - i think this one is okay

I load my class from GrenadeHand

class cfgAmmo
class Default;
class Grenade : Default {};
class GrenadeHand : Grenade {};			
class [u]ammo_flashbang[/u] : GrenadeHand 
		scope = 1;
		model= "wug\blendgranate.p3d";		
		//typicalspeed = 39;


		visibleFire = 0.5;
		audibleFire = 0.05;
		visibleFireTime = 1;
		fuseDistance = 5;

CfGMagazine, same here. I load my own magazine class from HandGrenade, called flashbang

class CfgMagazines
class Default;
class CA_Magazine : Default	{};	
       class HandGrenade: CA_Magazine {};	
       class Flashbang : HandGrenade
model= "wug\blendgranate.p3d";
ammo= "[u]ammo_flashbang[/u]";	
displayName = "$STR_granate";
descriptionShort = "It is a flashbang";


I load my muzzle class from the arma class

#define private        0
#define protected        1
#define public        2

#define true    1
#define false    0

#include "basicDefines.hpp"
#include "CfgAmmo.hpp"
#include "CfgMagazines.hpp"

class CfgPatches
    class dofwaffen
        units[] = {};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 1.0;
	 requiredAddons[] = {};

class cfgWeapons
class Default;

class GrenadeLauncher : Default {};
class Throw	 : GrenadeLauncher  {};  // ** Throw is the weaponclass for grenades
class Flashbang_Throw : Throw / ** create a own class of throw
	displayname = "Throw";
	muzzles[] = {"Flashbang_Muzzle"};	// **adding muzzle	
	class Flashbang_Muzzle : GrenadeLauncher // **loading-creating muzzle
                aidispersioncoefx = 6;
		aidispersioncoefy = 6;
		autoreload = 1;
		cursor = "EmptyCursor";
		cursoraim = "throw";
		enableattack = 0;
		keepininventory = 1;
		magazinereloadtime = 0;
		maxrange = 60;
		maxrangeprobab = 0.03;
		midrange = 45;
		midrangeprobab = 0.9;
		minrange = 10;
		minrangeprobab = 0.2;
		modeloptics = "";
		reloadsound[] = {"", 0.000316228, 1};
		reloadtime = 0;
		showempty = 0;
		sound[] = {"", 0.000316228, 1};	
                magazines[] = {"Flashbang"}; //loading magclass, definied in cfgmagazines

I cant find my mistake. It a worst thing...

Edited by Drunken Officer

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the link helped me alot. bBut i've one question about handgrenades.

You wrote, that the player have to add the "weapon" (custom throw class) and the "magazin", called in cfgMagazine.

You'll need to add the weapon 'Crg_Toxin_Throw' to the solider, as well as the magazine 'Crg_Toxin'.

but when i'm adding a arma2 grenade to the ammobox, i'm only add the magazine. Is there a private weapon linked to the grenads?

So it's very import, because the most missionhoster, only add "magazines".

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I assume you got the above working then?

The throw weapon, for some odd reason, is linked to the units. You are unable to add it like a normal weapon. So you'd have to create a custom unit (explained in the same link) that uses your throw 'weapon' or alter the existing throw weapon, but that could possibly cause complications with a lot of other things.

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