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Requests/info ai

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Firstly, please don't misunderstand this mail - OFP is fab (by me anyway). I've had the following problems and would just like to mention them incase there is an existing fix or whether they could be patched:

1) Night Combat: I've found that the AI targetting does not appear to consider ambient light. E.g. if I go into the middle of nowhere at 1am and place a std soldier and give myself a blackops guy, as soon as I get even vaguely near (eg 50m) the other guy, he opens fire with very good accuracy - even though without my NV gear I can only see black screen - and then muzzle flash :-(

2) smoke grenades thrown in buildings: smoke goes through walls, grenades go through floor.

3) positioning/movement in buildings: I'm finding the waypoint #position in house method to be almost random in where my ai end up in biuldings - they seem unaware of their Z pos (vertical). I appreciate the setpos option, but I was looking for realistic room clearances.

4) Close Quarter Cbt: combat within buildings for the ai appears a real struggle - even on max skill they are very slow to orientate on a target and positively refuse to look/fire up stair cases.

I hope these issues can/will be addressed. Or maybe its been done already and I missed the answers - honestly I have tried a few forum searches!

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And the AI can see through things.

I think this happens when their officer tells them "target officer, 11 o'clock" and it puts the yellow "target" box around you. I think they just spray at the box, which is how they know where you are through a tree or bush or something.

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