kuh111578 10 Posted June 3, 2013 (edited) As we know the AI prefers to be out of ammo within 2 minutes of enemy contact. Some sources (such as my former Arma unit) suggest sustained section fire is done at one shot or burst (if using a MG/SAW) every 6 seconds or so. In order to address these two things I've made a script for my personal use. It works! but it's clearly not the best way to do what I want. Any advice? (The desired effect is ~5 second pauses between shots or bursts.) fnc_sultorism_timer = { if (!(isPlayer _this)) then { while {true} do { _this setvariable ['its_sultory_time',false]; sleep (3.85 + random 2.5); _this setvariable ['its_sultory_time',true]; sleep 1; }; }; }; fnc_fire_desultorily = { private ["_originalGroup","_group", "_groupArray"]; while {true} do { if (!(isPlayer (leader _this))) then { if (leader _this getvariable ['its_sultory_time', true]) then { leader _this setCombatMode "YELLOW"; } else { leader _this setCombatMode "BLUE"; }; }; { if (!(isPlayer _x)) then { _originalGroup = group _x; if (_x getvariable ['its_sultory_time', true]) then { _group = createGroup side _x; [_x] joinSilent _group; _x setCombatMode "YELLOW"; [_x] joinSilent _originalGroup; deleteGroup _group; } else { _group = createGroup side _x; [_x] joinSilent _group; _x setCombatMode "BLUE"; [_x] joinSilent _originalGroup; deleteGroup _group; } }; } foreach ((units _this) - [leader _this]); }; }; fnc_everyone_fire_desultorily = { { _x spawn fnc_sultorism_timer; } foreach allunits; { _x spawn fnc_fire_desultorily; } foreach allgroups; }; sleep 0.1; call fnc_everyone_fire_desultorily; Edited June 3, 2013 by kuh111578 fix code Share this post Link to post Share on other sites