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88th Land and Air

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88th Land and Air Division

The 88th is an evergrowing community of people who enjoy playing Arma 2 in a serious, realistic and organized manner. But besides the realism, we're all here to enjoy the game. In the end it's still a game and we all own Arma 2 because we have fun playing it!

The History of the 88th

The 88th was originally established on the 17th of June 2012 by American founder Jonathan Fernezan and German Co-founder Emre Dede. Because of the overseas connection the two founders had, it was destined for the 88th to become an international clan.

The 88th began with just the two founders, who started hosting recruitment servers themselves in order to obtain more members for their humble clan.

A month after the 88th was set up, Jonathan and Emre had accumulated enough members to host organized recruitment servers and training sessions for the clan. Through the course of a year the amount of members the community has kept growing and to this day it still is. Currently the 88th has 28 active members and counting.

Being a member of the 88th

Teamwork is Key! The 88th is always trying to remain as realistic as possible, however the 88th encourages people to work together as well as they can. The 88th tries to keep an hierarchical way of playing and communicating, meaning that everyone has the ability to speak, yet the highest ranking member has the final saying.


The 88th has some sort of schedule, the times aren't that specific but we've scheduled three days per week for the 88th to host events. On friday the 88th is hosting a recruitment server to give other Arma 2 players the ability to join the 88th Land and Air Division. On Saturdays the 88th hosts a training session, during these training sessions the 88th is trying to improve the overall skill of all 88th members. And lastly on sundays the 88th hosts Operations for all members to use whatever they have learned through training sessions and see how well they perform in an actual combat situation.

Joining the 88th

If you feel like the 88th might be something for you, please go the the recruitment page the88th.com/recruitment and fill out the application. After you have filled out the application you will get a response from the 88th within 48 hours.

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