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BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission changes range

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So, fairly new to this, but I managed to find what I think is a bug / undocumented feature in the BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission function.

It seems if you synchronize a Podnos 2B14 mortar (possibly others as well) to an artillery logic, and then call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission using that logic, the mortar's range is permanently changed to close to x10 the normal range brackets, meaning the mortar can (if the AI gunner is killed and you take over) shoot 40000m with it according to the artillery computer.

I was able to have this happen reliably once the function is called using the following code.

_startHE_template = ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 2, 8];
_targetPos = getPosASL mortar_target;
[mortar_logic, _targetPos, _startHE_template] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;

Is this known and is there any way around this? Ostensibly, in the mission I am making, the player might get a hold of and use the mortar after it has fired a few times.

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So, fairly new to this, but I managed to find what I think is a bug / undocumented feature in the BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission function.

It seems if you synchronize a Podnos 2B14 mortar (possibly others as well) to an artillery logic, and then call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission using that logic, the mortar's range is permanently changed to close to x10 the normal range brackets, meaning the mortar can (if the AI gunner is killed and you take over) shoot 40000m with it according to the artillery computer.

I was able to have this happen reliably once the function is called using the following code.

_startHE_template = ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 2, 8];
_targetPos = getPosASL mortar_target;
[mortar_logic, _targetPos, _startHE_template] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;

Is this known and is there any way around this? Ostensibly, in the mission I am making, the player might get a hold of and use the mortar after it has fired a few times.

The question is: does the mortar fire indeed up to 40km (instead of the 3.7km)?

I remember tweaking the artillery ballistics for Vilas' P85 (or was it RACS?) artillery and being unable to arrive at a solution that worked for both the Artillery Module and the Artillery Computer, with values for the Computer going to extreme values for good Module ballistics.

AFAIK, the BI guys dislike the old artillery module and prefer the artillery computer introduced with Arma2:OA. Some of the Arma2:OA and DLC came out without proper support for the artillery module (US Army Stryker MCV, and the ACR DLC RM-70 rocket launcher). IMO, the Artillery Computer is problematic to script artillery fire for single-player missions, whereas the Artillery Module works fine. But that's me.


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