Trulz 1 Posted May 18, 2013 (edited) Hey, I've built a Map on Celle 2 with the help of this DAC/HC-Tutorial. Everything's worked quite good so far but I have a problem with the DAC part of it. When I start the Mission with a HC present it gives me this error code: Screenshot of the error What the error log says: 2013/05/18, 12:31:14 Error in expression <lse {DAC_Code = 2}}; if(name player == HCName) then {DAC_Code = 0}; if(is> 2013/05/18, 12:31:14 Error position: <HCName) then {DAC_Code = 0}; if(is> 2013/05/18, 12:31:14 Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: hcname 2013/05/18, 12:31:14 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.mbg_celle2\DAC\DAC_Config_Creator.sqf, line 20 [/Quote] According to the error, the error is in line 20. It should be able to find the HCName tho because it's initialized and published. Here's the content of the DAC_Creator_Config.sqf: ////////////////////////////// // Dynamic-AI-Creator // // Version 3.0 - 2010 // //--------------------------// // DAC_Config_Creator // //--------------------------// // Script by Silola // // // ////////////////////////////// DAC_Activate = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Activate_Zone.sqf"; DAC_Deactivate = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Deactivate_Zone.sqf"; DAC_Weapons = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Change_Weapons.sqf"; scalar = "any";DAC_Init_Camps = 0; waituntil{time > 0.3}; if(isServer) then {if(local player) then {DAC_Code = 1} else {DAC_Code = 0}} else {if(isnull player) then {DAC_Code = 3} else {DAC_Code = 2}}; if(name player == HCName) then {DAC_Code = 0}; //===============| // DAC_Settings | //===============|=============================================================================================| if(isNil "DAC_STRPlayers") then { DAC_STRPlayers = ["s1","s2","s3","s4","s5","s6","s7","s8","s9","s10","s11","s12","s13","s14","s15","s16","s17","s18","s19","s20"]}; if(isNil "DAC_AI_Count_Level") then { DAC_AI_Count_Level = [[2,4],[2,6],[2,8],[2,12],[5,0]] }; if(isNil "DAC_Dyn_Weather") then { DAC_Dyn_Weather = [300,120,1,0.7] }; if(isNil "DAC_Reduce_Value") then { DAC_Reduce_Value = [800,850,0.3] }; if(isNil "DAC_AI_Spawn") then { DAC_AI_Spawn = [[10,5,5],[10,5,15],0,120,250,0] }; if(isNil "DAC_Delete_Value") then { DAC_Delete_Value = [[120,150],[140,150],3600] }; if(isNil "DAC_Del_PlayerBody") then { DAC_Del_PlayerBody = [0,0] }; if(isNil "DAC_Com_Values") then { DAC_Com_Values = [1,2,0] }; if(isNil "DAC_AI_AddOn") then { DAC_AI_AddOn = 1 }; if(isNil "DAC_AI_Level") then { DAC_AI_Level = 3 }; if(isNil "DAC_Res_Side") then { DAC_Res_Side = 1 }; if(isNil "DAC_VehAllowed") then { DAC_VehAllowed = [0,1] }; if(isNil "DAC_Marker") then { DAC_Marker = 4 }; if(isNil "DAC_WP_Speed") then { DAC_WP_Speed = 0.01 }; if(isNil "DAC_Join_Action") then { DAC_Join_Action = false }; if(isNil "DAC_Fast_Init") then { DAC_Fast_Init = false }; if(isNil "DAC_Player_Marker") then { DAC_Player_Marker = false }; if(isNil "DAC_Direct_Start") then { DAC_Direct_Start = false }; if(isNil "DAC_Activate_Sound") then { DAC_Activate_Sound = false }; if(isNil "DAC_Auto_UnitCount") then { DAC_Auto_UnitCount = [8,10] }; if(isNil "DAC_Player_Support") then { DAC_Player_Support = [10,[10,2000,3,1000]] }; if(isNil "DAC_SaveDistance") then { DAC_SaveDistance = [500,["DAC_Save_Pos"]] }; DAC_BadBuildings = ["Camp","CampEast","Land_vez"]; DAC_SP_Soldiers = ["RU_Soldier_MG","USMC_Soldier_MG","GUE_Soldier_MG","CDF_Soldier_MG","Ins_Soldier_MG"]; DAC_GunAllowed = [ "Stinger_Pod","M2StaticMG","M252","M2HD_mini_TriPod","MK19_TriPod","SearchLight","TOW_TriPod","M119", "USMC_WarfareBMGNest_M240","AGS_CDF","D30_CDF","DSHKM_CDF","DSHkM_Mini_TriPod_CDF","2b14_82mm_CDF", "SPG9_CDF","SearchLight_CDF","ZU23_CDF","CDF_WarfareBMGNest_PK","KORD_high","Minitripod KORD","AGS_RU", "D30_RU","Igla_AA_pod_East","Metis","2B14 2b14_82mm_RU","SearchLight_RUS","RU_WarfareBMGNest_PK","AGS_INS", "D30_INS","DSHKM_INS","DSHkM_Mini_TriPod_INS","2B14 2b14_82mm_INS","SPG9_INS","SearchLight_INS","ZU23_INS", "INS_WarfareBMGNest_PK","DSHKM_GUE","2B14 2b14_82mm_GUE","SPG9_GUE","SearchLight_GUE","ZU23_GUE", "GUE_WarfareBMGNest_PK","Fort_Nest_M240" ]; //=============================================================================================================| []execVM "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Start_Creator.sqf"; waituntil{format["%1",!isNil 'DAC_Basic_Value'] == "true"}; sleep 0.1; waituntil {(DAC_Basic_Value > 0)}; if(DAC_Code < 2) then { //===========================================| // StartScriptOnServer | //===========================================| //player sidechat "ServerStart" //[] execVM "myServerScript.sqf"; //onMapSingleClick "_fun = [_pos,_shift]execVM ""Action.sqf"""; //[[sec1,""]] execVM "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Sector.sqf"; } else { if(DAC_Code == 3) then { //===========================================| // StartScriptOnJipClient | //===========================================| //player sidechat "JipClientStart" //[] execVM "myJipClientScript.sqf"; } else { //===========================================| // StartScriptOnClient | //===========================================| //player sidechat "ClientStart" //[] execVM "myClientScript.sqf"; //onMapSingleClick "_fun = [_pos,_shift]execVM ""Action.sqf"""; }; }; The content of the init.sqf where the HCName get's initialized and published: if(isNil "paramsArray") then{ paramsArray=[0,0,0]}; //get mission parameter to see if //HeadlessClient is present and assign its name if(paramsArray select 0 == 1) then{ if(isServer) then{ HCPresent = true; publicVariable "HCPresent"; }; if (!hasInterface && !isServer) then{ HCName = name player; publicVariable "HCName"; }; } else{ if(isServer) then{ HCPresent = false; HCName = "NOONE"; publicVariable "HCPresent"; publicVariable "HCName"; }; }; if(!isServer) then {waitUntil{!isNull player}}; DAC_Zone = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqf"; DAC_Objects = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Create_Objects.sqf"; execVM "DAC\DAC_Config_Creator.sqf"; //execute DAC on HC if present, otherwise on Server if(HCPresent) then{ dac_on = false; if(!hasInterface && !isServer) then{ execVM "dac_zones.sqf"; }; } else{ if(isServer) then{ execVM "dac_zones.sqf"; }; }; [/Quote] Can someone see the problem there? I kinda stuck here. If you need additional code/information just tell me. Greetings, Trulz Edited May 18, 2013 by Trulz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites