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Need Help with DAC and the HC

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I've built a Map on Celle 2 with the help of this DAC/HC-Tutorial. Everything's worked quite good so far but I have a problem with the DAC part of it. When I start the Mission with a HC present it gives me this error code:

What the error log says:

2013/05/18, 12:31:14 Error in expression <lse {DAC_Code = 2}};

if(name player == HCName) then {DAC_Code = 0};


2013/05/18, 12:31:14 Error position: <HCName) then {DAC_Code = 0};


2013/05/18, 12:31:14 Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: hcname

2013/05/18, 12:31:14 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.mbg_celle2\DAC\DAC_Config_Creator.sqf, line 20


According to the error, the error is in line 20. It should be able to find the HCName tho because it's initialized and published.

Here's the content of the DAC_Creator_Config.sqf:


// Dynamic-AI-Creator //

// Version 3.0 - 2010 //


// DAC_Config_Creator //


// Script by Silola //

// silola@freenet.de //


DAC_Activate = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Activate_Zone.sqf";

DAC_Deactivate = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Deactivate_Zone.sqf";

DAC_Weapons = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Change_Weapons.sqf";

scalar = "any";DAC_Init_Camps = 0;

waituntil{time > 0.3};

if(isServer) then {if(local player) then {DAC_Code = 1} else {DAC_Code = 0}} else {if(isnull player) then {DAC_Code = 3} else {DAC_Code = 2}};

if(name player == HCName) then {DAC_Code = 0};


// DAC_Settings |


if(isNil "DAC_STRPlayers") then { DAC_STRPlayers = ["s1","s2","s3","s4","s5","s6","s7","s8","s9","s10","s11","s12","s13","s14","s15","s16","s17","s18","s19","s20"]};

if(isNil "DAC_AI_Count_Level") then { DAC_AI_Count_Level = [[2,4],[2,6],[2,8],[2,12],[5,0]] };

if(isNil "DAC_Dyn_Weather") then { DAC_Dyn_Weather = [300,120,1,0.7] };

if(isNil "DAC_Reduce_Value") then { DAC_Reduce_Value = [800,850,0.3] };

if(isNil "DAC_AI_Spawn") then { DAC_AI_Spawn = [[10,5,5],[10,5,15],0,120,250,0] };

if(isNil "DAC_Delete_Value") then { DAC_Delete_Value = [[120,150],[140,150],3600] };

if(isNil "DAC_Del_PlayerBody") then { DAC_Del_PlayerBody = [0,0] };

if(isNil "DAC_Com_Values") then { DAC_Com_Values = [1,2,0] };

if(isNil "DAC_AI_AddOn") then { DAC_AI_AddOn = 1 };

if(isNil "DAC_AI_Level") then { DAC_AI_Level = 3 };

if(isNil "DAC_Res_Side") then { DAC_Res_Side = 1 };

if(isNil "DAC_VehAllowed") then { DAC_VehAllowed = [0,1] };

if(isNil "DAC_Marker") then { DAC_Marker = 4 };

if(isNil "DAC_WP_Speed") then { DAC_WP_Speed = 0.01 };

if(isNil "DAC_Join_Action") then { DAC_Join_Action = false };

if(isNil "DAC_Fast_Init") then { DAC_Fast_Init = false };

if(isNil "DAC_Player_Marker") then { DAC_Player_Marker = false };

if(isNil "DAC_Direct_Start") then { DAC_Direct_Start = false };

if(isNil "DAC_Activate_Sound") then { DAC_Activate_Sound = false };

if(isNil "DAC_Auto_UnitCount") then { DAC_Auto_UnitCount = [8,10] };

if(isNil "DAC_Player_Support") then { DAC_Player_Support = [10,[10,2000,3,1000]] };

if(isNil "DAC_SaveDistance") then { DAC_SaveDistance = [500,["DAC_Save_Pos"]] };

DAC_BadBuildings = ["Camp","CampEast","Land_vez"];

DAC_SP_Soldiers = ["RU_Soldier_MG","USMC_Soldier_MG","GUE_Soldier_MG","CDF_Soldier_MG","Ins_Soldier_MG"];

DAC_GunAllowed = [



"SPG9_CDF","SearchLight_CDF","ZU23_CDF","CDF_WarfareBMGNest_PK","KORD_high","Minitripod KORD","AGS_RU",

"D30_RU","Igla_AA_pod_East","Metis","2B14 2b14_82mm_RU","SearchLight_RUS","RU_WarfareBMGNest_PK","AGS_INS",

"D30_INS","DSHKM_INS","DSHkM_Mini_TriPod_INS","2B14 2b14_82mm_INS","SPG9_INS","SearchLight_INS","ZU23_INS",

"INS_WarfareBMGNest_PK","DSHKM_GUE","2B14 2b14_82mm_GUE","SPG9_GUE","SearchLight_GUE","ZU23_GUE",




[]execVM "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Start_Creator.sqf";

waituntil{format["%1",!isNil 'DAC_Basic_Value'] == "true"};

sleep 0.1;

waituntil {(DAC_Basic_Value > 0)};

if(DAC_Code < 2) then



// StartScriptOnServer |


//player sidechat "ServerStart"

//[] execVM "myServerScript.sqf";

//onMapSingleClick "_fun = [_pos,_shift]execVM ""Action.sqf""";

//[[sec1,""]] execVM "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Sector.sqf";




if(DAC_Code == 3) then



// StartScriptOnJipClient |


//player sidechat "JipClientStart"

//[] execVM "myJipClientScript.sqf";





// StartScriptOnClient |


//player sidechat "ClientStart"

//[] execVM "myClientScript.sqf";

//onMapSingleClick "_fun = [_pos,_shift]execVM ""Action.sqf""";



The content of the init.sqf where the HCName get's initialized and published:

if(isNil "paramsArray") then{ paramsArray=[0,0,0]};

//get mission parameter to see if

//HeadlessClient is present and assign its name

if(paramsArray select 0 == 1) then{

if(isServer) then{

HCPresent = true;

publicVariable "HCPresent";


if (!hasInterface && !isServer) then{

HCName = name player;

publicVariable "HCName";


} else{

if(isServer) then{

HCPresent = false;

HCName = "NOONE";

publicVariable "HCPresent";

publicVariable "HCName";



if(!isServer) then {waitUntil{!isNull player}};

DAC_Zone = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqf";

DAC_Objects = compile preprocessFile "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Create_Objects.sqf";

execVM "DAC\DAC_Config_Creator.sqf";

//execute DAC on HC if present, otherwise on Server

if(HCPresent) then{

dac_on = false;

if(!hasInterface && !isServer) then{

execVM "dac_zones.sqf";


} else{

if(isServer) then{

execVM "dac_zones.sqf";




Can someone see the problem there? I kinda stuck here. If you need additional code/information just tell me.



Edited by Trulz

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