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Arma 3 EU Wasteland Fussion Server low latency

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Server statut : Online we are now the official fussion EU server.

Recrutement : Open (French talking people only)


I'm new to Arma 3 and I really like this game that why I wanted to create a new Arma 3 server, we are currently 4-5 active player, we are looking for people who want to play in good condition by this I mean in a powerfull server with a great community of player who play seriously. We are looking also for serious player with interest to make an Arma 3 team. With community upgrade I will maybe make a website with a forum, a Teamspeak 3 is actually available and open for people who want to join us (please contact me by a private message or contact us ingame), there is as often as we can online admins who is connected to the server we are running a Fussion Wasteland 10.3 edited for 0.57.

Fussion Wasteland 10.3 edited for 0.57:

-ThirdPersonView is disabled.

-No localisation for you and your teammates on the map (use coordinates currently in wip).

-Difficulty Mercenary.

-New Random Weather effect.

-Day/night Cycle.

-Capture territory to earn money.

-No backpack at spawn you need to buy one at the gun store.


[Added] Katiba Magazines to gun store.
[Changed] Starting money to 250.
[Fixed] EBR Rifles 7.62mm 20Rnd Mag can be buyed again at gun store.
[Fixed] EBR Rifles 7.62mm 20Rnd Mag can be taken again inside and beside building.
[Fixed] Compatibility with 0.57

Server Specs:

Name : Fussion Wasteland Official (EU)Server (Low Latency)

-Localisation Luxembourg

-Windows 2008 server

-Intel Xeon E5-1650 (3.2+ GHz)

-512gb raid OCZ Vertex 4 SSD

-64gb ECC-REG DDR3

-10Gbps Bandwith

-Version dev 0.57 (use steam properties and switch to beta to get the 0.57)

-54 slot

If you are interested and free comme to try the server and enjoy your time on us server with the community I hope you will appreciate us.

Razor cordialy,

Edited by Dyls17

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