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Repair a script help

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Can anyone help me repair this scripts since security updates im using DEV build, put as a spoiler because its quite long

// Parameters:

// _this select 0: OBJECT - unit name (this)

// _this select 1: STRING - trigger name

// _this select 2: STRING - spawn type ("once","repeated","wave" and "reset")

// _this select 3 (optional): NUMBER - spawn lives (the amount of time the unit respawns, or wave number)

// _this select 4 (optional): NUMBER - spawn delay

// _this select 5 (optional): STRING - init string called for the leader of the group

// _this select 6 (optional): NUMBER- will start removal sequence of all dead group members after X seconds (default 120)

// === Usage: ===

// Example trigger: Anybody Once (or whatever you want), onActivation: catch_trigger = "triggername"; publicVariable "catch_trigger";

// Unit (leader of group): nul = [this,"triggername","SPAWNTYPE",LIVES,DELAY] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf";


// Example: nul = [this,"triggername","once"] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; ---- Will spawn the editor unit once based on the trigger

// Example: nul = [this,"triggername","repeated",4,30] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; ---- Will spawn the editor unit based on the trigger, then respawn it 4 times with a 30 second delay upon death

// Example: nul = [this,"triggername","wave",5,60] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; ---- Will spawn the editor unit once based on the trigger, then respawn the entire group (regardless of deaths) 5 times with 60 seconds between

// Example: nul = [this,"triggername","reset",5] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; ---- Will spawn the editor unit once based on the trigger, then reset the trigger after a preset time (15 seconds default). The unit will be created when trigger is true again, maximum number of lives.

// This script is serverside

if(isServer) then


// ------------------- Init ----------------------- //

_countThis = count _this;

// ---------------- Parameters -------------------- //

_unit = _this select 0;

_trigger = _this select 1;

_spawntype = _this select 2;

_spawnlives = if (_countThis >= 4) then { _this select 3; } else { 1 }; // Optional

_spawndelay = if (_countThis >= 5) then { _this select 4; } else { 1 }; // Optional

_initString = if (_countThis >= 6) then { _this select 5; } else { "" }; // Optional

_bodyRemove = if (_countThis >= 7) then { _this select 6; } else { 120 }; // Optional

// -- Delete the unit (this is always done ASAP) -- //

_unitArray = [];

_unitGroup = group _unit;

_unitsInGroup = units _unitGroup;

_unitCount = count _unitsInGroup;

_unitsInGroupAdd = [];

_side = side _unitGroup;

while { _unitCount > 0 } do {

// The currently worked on unit

_unitsInGroup = units _unitGroup;

_unit = _unitsInGroup select 0;

_unitCount = count _unitsInGroup;

// Check if its a vehicle

if ( (vehicle _unit) isKindOf "LandVehicle" OR (vehicle _unit) isKindOf "Air") then {

_vcl = vehicle _unit;

if (!(_vcl in _unitsInGroupAdd) AND (typeOf _vcl != "")) then {

_unitsIngroupAdd set [count _unitsInGroupAdd, _vcl];

_unitCrewArray = [];

_crew = crew _vcl;

{ _unitCrewArray set [count _unitCrewArray, typeOf _x]; } forEach _crew;

_unitInfoArray = [typeOf _vcl,getPos _vcl,getDir _vcl,vehicleVarName _vcl,skill _vcl,rank _vcl,weapons _vcl,magazines _vcl,_unitCrewArray];

_unitArray set [count _unitArray, _unitInfoArray];

deleteVehicle _vcl;

{ deleteVehicle _x; } forEach _crew;



// Otherwise its infantry

else {

_unitInfoArray = [typeOf _unit,getPos _unit,getDir _unit,vehicleVarName _unit,skill _unit,rank _unit,weapons _unit,magazines _unit,[]];

_unitArray set [count _unitArray, _unitInfoArray];

deleteVehicle _unit;


sleep 0.01;


// Gathering waypoints

_countWaypoints = 0;

_waypointsArray = [];

_waypointsEntry = [];

_countWaypoints = count(waypoints _unitGroup);

for [{_i=0}, {_i < _countWaypoints}, {_i=_i+1}] do


_waypointsEntry = [];

_wPos = waypointPosition [_unitGroup, _i];

_wHPos = waypointHousePosition [_unitGroup, _i];

_wBih = waypointBehaviour [_unitGroup, _i];

_wCM = waypointCombatMode [_unitGroup, _i];

_wCR = waypointCompletionRadius [_unitGroup, _i];

_wDes = waypointDescription [_unitGroup, _i];

_wForm = waypointFormation [_unitGroup, _i];

_wScr = waypointScript [_unitGroup, _i];

_wShw = waypointShow [_unitGroup, _i];

_wSp = waypointSpeed [_unitGroup, _i];

_wSt = waypointStatements [_unitGroup, _i]; //diag_log _wSt;

_wTo = waypointTimeout [_unitGroup, _i];

_wTy = waypointType [_unitGroup, _i];

_waypointsEntry = _waypointsEntry + [_wPos] + [_wHPos] + [_wBih] + [_wCM] + [_wCR] + [_wDes] + [_wForm] + [_wScr] + [_wShw] + [_wSp] + [_wSt] + [_wTo] + [_wTy];

_waypointsArray = _waypointsArray + [_waypointsEntry];


//diag_log format ["Waypoints' array : %1",_waypointsArray];

deleteGroup _unitGroup;

// -------------- Record mission ------------------ //

_gatherData = [];

_gatherData = _gatherData + [_unitArray] + [_side] + [_waypointsArray] + [_trigger] + [_spawntype] + [_spawnlives] + [_spawndelay] + [_initString] + [_bodyRemove];

Mission_capture = Mission_capture + [_gatherData];

// ----------------- Functions -------------------- //

// *WARNING* BIS FUNCTION RIPOFF - Taken from fn_returnConfigEntry as its needed for turrets and shortened a bit

_fnc_returnConfigEntry = {

private ["_config", "_entryName","_entry", "_value"];

_config = _this select 0;

_entryName = _this select 1;

_entry = _config >> _entryName;

//If the entry is not found and we are not yet at the config root, explore the class' parent.

if (((configName (_config >> _entryName)) == "") && (!((configName _config) in ["CfgVehicles", "CfgWeapons", ""]))) then {

[inheritsFrom _config, _entryName] call _fnc_returnConfigEntry;


else { if (isNumber _entry) then { _value = getNumber _entry; } else { if (isText _entry) then { _value = getText _entry; }; }; };

//Make sure returning 'nil' works.

if (isNil "_value") exitWith {nil};



// *WARNING* BIS FUNCTION RIPOFF - Taken from fn_fnc_returnVehicleTurrets and shortened a bit

_fnc_returnVehicleTurrets = {

private ["_entry","_turrets", "_turretIndex"];

_entry = _this select 0;

_turrets = [];

_turretIndex = 0;

//Explore all turrets and sub-turrets recursively.

for "_i" from 0 to ((count _entry) - 1) do {

private ["_subEntry"];

_subEntry = _entry select _i;

if (isClass _subEntry) then {

private ["_hasGunner"];

_hasGunner = [_subEntry, "hasGunner"] call _fnc_returnConfigEntry;

//Make sure the entry was found.

if (!(isNil "_hasGunner")) then {

if (_hasGunner == 1) then {

_turrets = _turrets + [_turretIndex];

//Include sub-turrets, if present.

if (isClass (_subEntry >> "Turrets")) then { _turrets = _turrets + [[_subEntry >> "Turrets"] call _fnc_returnVehicleTurrets]; }

else { _turrets = _turrets + [[]]; };



_turretIndex = _turretIndex + 1;





_fnc_moveInTurrets = {

private ["_turrets","_path","_i"];

_turrets = _this select 0;

_path = _this select 1;

_currentCrewMember = _this select 2;

_crew = _this select 3;

_spawnUnit = _this select 4;

_i = 0;

while {_i < (count _turrets)} do {

_turretIndex = _turrets select _i;

_thisTurret = _path + [_turretIndex];

(_crew select _currentCrewMember) moveInTurret [_spawnUnit, _thisTurret]; _currentCrewMember = _currentCrewMember + 1;

//Spawn units into subturrets.

[_turrets select (_i + 1), _thisTurret, _currentCrewmember, _crew, _spawnUnit] call _fnc_moveInTurrets;

_i = _i + 2;



// This is the general cleanup function running in the background for the group, replaces the removebody eventhandler and delete group in V5

_fnc_cleanGroup = {

_group = _this select 0;

_unitsGroup = units _group;

_sleep = _this select 1;

// Hold until the entire group is dead

while { ({alive _x} count _unitsGroup) > 0 } do { sleep 5; };

sleep _sleep;


_origPos = getPos _x;

_z = _origPos select 2;

_desiredPosZ = if ( (vehicle _x) iskindOf "Man") then { (_origPos select 2) - 0.5 } else { (_origPos select 2) - 3 };

if ( vehicle _x == _x ) then {

_x enableSimulation false;

while { _z > _desiredPosZ } do {

_z = _z - 0.01;

_x setPos [_origPos select 0, _origPos select 1, _z];

sleep 0.1;



deleteVehicle _x;

sleep 5;

} forEach _unitsGroup;

// Now we know that all units are deleted

deleteGroup _group;


_fnc_spawnUnit = {

// We need to pass the old group so we can copy waypoints from it, the rest we already know

_oldGroup = _this select 0;

_newGroup = createGroup (_this select 1);

_waypointsArray = _this select 2;

// If the old group doesnt have any units in it its a spawned group rather than respawned

if ( count (units _oldGroup) == 0) then { deleteGroup _oldGroup; };


_spawnUnit = Object;

_unitType = _x select 0; _unitPos = _x select 1; _unitDir = _x select 2;

_unitName = _x select 3; _unitSkill = _x select 4; _unitRank = _x select 5;

_unitWeapons = _x select 6; _unitMagazines = _x select 7; _unitCrew = _x select 8;

// Check if the unit has a crew, if so we know its a vehicle

if (count _unitCrew > 0) then {

if (_unitPos select 2 >= 10) then {

_spawnUnit = createVehicle [_unitType,_unitPos, [], 0, "FLY"];

_spawnUnit setVelocity [50 * (sin _unitDir), 50 * (cos _unitDir), 0];


else { _spawnUnit = _unitType createVehicle _unitPos; };

// Create the entire crew

_crew = [];

{ _unit = _newGroup createUnit [_x, getPos _spawnUnit, [], 0, "NONE"]; _crew set [count _crew, _unit]; } forEach _unitCrew;

// We assume that all vehicles have a driver, the first one of the crew

(_crew select 0) moveInDriver _spawnUnit;

// Count the turrets and move the men inside

_turrets = [configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _unitType >> "turrets"] call _fnc_returnVehicleTurrets;

[_turrets, [], 1, _crew, _spawnUnit] call _fnc_moveInTurrets;


// Otherwise its infantry

else {

_spawnUnit = _newGroup createUnit [_unitType,_unitPos, [], 0, "NONE"];

removeAllWeapons _spawnUnit;

{_spawnUnit removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines _spawnUnit;

removeAllItems _spawnUnit;

{_spawnUnit addMagazine _x} forEach _unitMagazines;

{_spawnUnit addWeapon _x} forEach _unitWeapons;

_spawnUnit selectWeapon (primaryWeapon _spawnUnit);


// Set all the things common to the spawned unit

_spawnUnit setDir _unitDir;

_spawnUnit setSkill _unitSkill;

_spawnUnit setUnitRank _unitRank;

if (_spawntype == "once" OR _spawntype == "repeated") then {

_spawnUnit setVehicleVarName _unitName;

if (vehiclevarname _spawnUnit != "") then { _spawnUnit setVehicleInit format["%1=this;",_unitName]; processInitCommands; };


} forEach _unitArray;

private ["_i"]; _i = 0;

//Let's return them their waypoints


//diag_log format ["All data : %1",_x];

_wp = _newGroup addWaypoint [(_x select 0),0,_i];

[_newGroup, _i] setWaypointHousePosition (_x select 1);

[_newGroup, _i] setWaypointBehaviour (_x select 2);

[_newGroup, _i] setWaypointCombatMode (_x select 3);

[_newGroup, _i] setWaypointCompletionRadius (_x select 4);

[_newGroup, _i] setWaypointDescription (_x select 5);

[_newGroup, _i] setWaypointFormation (_x select 6);

[_newGroup, _i] setWaypointScript (_x select 7);

[_newGroup, _i] showWaypoint (_x select 8);

[_newGroup, _i] setWaypointSpeed (_x select 9);

[_newGroup, _i] setWaypointStatements (_x select 10);

[_newGroup, _i] setWaypointTimeout (_x select 11);

[_newGroup, _i] setWaypointType (_x select 12);

_i = _i + 1;

} forEach _waypointsArray;

// Setting the leaders init and the groups body removal time

(vehicle (leader _newGroup)) setVehicleInit _initString; processInitCommands;

// Run the cleanup function for this group

[_newGroup, _bodyRemove] spawn _fnc_cleanGroup;

// Have to return the new group



//diag_log format ["Number of groups : %1",(count allGroups)];

// -------------- Waiting period ------------------ //

waitUntil { _trigger == catch_trigger };

// --------------- Spawn Modes ------------------- //

// REPEAT MODE, i.e. basic respawn based on lives

if (_spawntype == "repeated") then {

while { _spawnlives > 0 } do {

_unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit;

_spawnLives = _spawnLives - 1;

_unitsGroup = units _unitGroup;

while { ({alive _x} count _unitsGroup) > 0 } do { sleep 2; };

sleep _spawndelay;



// WAVE MODE, this is fairly simple, just sleep a while then respawn. Spawnlives in this case is number of waves

if (_spawntype == "wave") then {

while { _spawnlives > 0 } do {

_unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit;

_spawnLives = _spawnLives - 1;

sleep _spawndelay;



// RESET MODE, sleep a while then set the variable to false (even if you set it like 50 times over). Spawn lives is used to tick how many times its possible to reset.

if (_spawntype == "reset") then {

while { _spawnlives > 0 } do {

_unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit;

_spawnLives = _spawnLives - 1;

sleep 15;

catch_trigger = "none";

waitUntil {_trigger == catch_trigger};




if (_spawntype == "once") then { _unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit; };


Edited by Blitzer134

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