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ArmA 3 Server sharing - apply here!

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Currently we have an ArmA 3 server which we are only using for a few days a week, the rest of the time it remains dormant and empty. Which is a waste of a good server!

So I would like to open this opportunity up to the community , especially for clans and groups starting up who do not have their own game server to run their own missions on the server when its not being used by anyone else.

This is just a trial at the moment as there will need to be some planning involved in managing this (timetables, access etc)

We have created this google docs form where you can register your interest:


Server Specs

Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quadcore

incl. Hyper-Threading Technology



  • How much will this cost?
    Nothing, its free to use
  • Will we have full control of the server?
    No you will have control of the ArmA 3 server during your allotted time period.
  • How is this going to work?
    Still figuring it out :)
  • When can I know I have a time slot?
    Will have to create a timetable of peoples requests, and will then contact you with a time to run your mission.
  • Timeslots?
    2-3 hours

The Vision

I see many empty servers on ArmA 3 and ArmA 2, maybe in the future we can organize with other groups a cooperative ArmA 3 server share system. This would make it easier for clans without money to have their own missions. It would also save the environment.

-Please do not PM me, use the form (link above)

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