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help with CT_OBJECT

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I'm trying to get a head to display, like in the profile edit screen. I dont know if its possible or not but this is what i've got so far.

   idd = 6000;
   movingenable = false;
enableSimulation = true;
onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['DIALOG_HEAD', _this select 0];"; 
class objects
	class HEAD_1
		model = "\A3\ui_f\objects\face_preview";
		modelWoman = "\A3\ui_f\objects\face_preview";
		idc = 6001;
		type = 80;
		x = "35 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40) + (safezoneX)";
		y = "7 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) + (safezoneY + safezoneH - (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2))";
		z = 0.28;
		xBack = 0.75;
		yBack = 0.9;
		zBack = 0.25;
		scale = 0.21;
		direction[] = {0,0,1};
		up[] = {0,1,0};
		faceType = "Man_A3";
		selectionLBrow = "lBrow";
		selectionMBrow = "mBrow";
		selectionRBrow = "rBrow";
		selectionLMouth = "lMouth";
		selectionMMouth = "mMouth";
		selectionRMouth = "rMouth";
		selectionEyelid = "eyelids";
		selectionLip = "LLip";
		boneHead = "head";
		boneLEye = "l_eye";
		boneREye = "r_eye";
		boneLEyelidUp = "eye_upl";
		boneREyelidUp = "eye_upr";
		boneLEyelidDown = "eye_lwl";
		boneREyelidDown = "eye_lwr";
		boneLPupil = "l_pupila";
		boneRPupil = "r_pupila";
		selectionPersonality = "personality";
		selectionGlasses = "eyelids";
   class Controls

Called with

createdialog "DIALOG_HEAD";

I get the cursor but cant see anything.

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I've managed to get an arrow to show using CT_OBJECT_CONTAINER

class Test1
idd = -1;
movingEnable = 1;
enableSimulation = 1;
enableDisplay = 1;
class objects
	class TestObject: RscObject
		type = 82;
		idc = -1;
		scale = 0.1;
		//model = "\A3\Misc_F\Helpers\UserTexture1m.p3d";
		model = "\A3\Misc_F\Helpers\Sign_Arrow_Direction_F.p3d";
		//model = "\A3\ui_f\objects\face_preview";
		position[] = {0,0,0.2};
		positionBack[] = {0,0,0.2};
		inBack = 0;
		enableZoom = 1;
		zoomDuration = 0.5;
		direction[] = {1,0.25,1};
		up[] = {0.25,1,0};


I found, or at least what i think is the profile edit display(RscDisplayLogin) from the bis configs and the code in the original post is basically copied straight from that.

I can call that display in mission, but the head isn't there. I've been over the bis files shit loads of times trying to find any reference to the head object that activates, or wraps a texture on it. but i cant find/see anything.

I've tried many combinations of configs trying to get this to work, but i think the answer is in making the object visible with a texture or manipulating it via script somehow.

Would love some help with this.

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