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Creating mission through a trigger?

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So I've been trying to search and I haven't had any successful results but I'm trying to create a "side mission" through triggers in my mission. For instance on the back end id have a blown up chopper with supply boxes and 2-3 enemies guarding it. When and if Blu For enters a trigger, something would pop up saying "A chopper has crashed go and grab supplies." Also is there a way to have this random to where every time you play the mission you may or may not have that pop up.

If anyone knows, thank you in advance for the help!

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Put this in the Trigger:

objective_1 = player createSimpleTask ["[b]New Mission Title[/b]"]; 
objective_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["[b]The New Mission Text.[/b]", "[b]New MIssion Title[/b]", "[b]Mission type..(destroy, execute, infiltrate...)[/b]"]; 
objective_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "obj_1");  
["TaskAssigned",["[b]New Mission Title[/b]"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; 
player setCurrentTask objective_1

Put a Marker with a name, like obj_1, near the chopper and this should work.

You also need this: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Notification

Put this code in the description.ext

class CfgNotifications
class Default
	title = ""; // Tile displayed as text on black background. Filled by arguments.
	iconPicture = ""; // Small icon displayed in left part. Colored by "color", filled by arguments.
	iconText = ""; // Short text displayed over the icon. Colored by "color", filled by arguments.
	description = ""; // Brief description displayed as structured text. Colored by "color", filled by arguments.
	color[] = {1,1,1,1}; // Icon and text color
	duration = 5; // How many seconds will the notification be displayed
	priority = 0; // Priority; higher number = more important; tasks in queue are selected by priority
	difficulty[] = {}; // Required difficulty settings. All listed difficulties has to be enabled

// Examples
class TaskAssigned
	title = "TASK Assigned";
	iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskiconcreated_ca.paa";
	description = "%1";
	priority = 7;
	duration = 5;
class TaskSucceeded
	title = "TASK Succeeded";
	iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskicondone_ca.paa";
	description = "%1";
	priority = 7;
	duration = 5;
class TaskFailed
	title = "TASK Failed";
	iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskiconfailed_ca.paa";
	description = "%1";
	priority = 7;
class TaskCanceled
	title = "TASK Canceled";
	iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskiconcanceled_ca.paa";
	description = "%1";
	priority = 7;

Edited by thelastnoc

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If you use the new Task functions you do not need to define notifications.

Functions Viewer > Tasks.

getMarkerPos "SomeMarker",
] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

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