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Custom sounds and multiplayer

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I'm trying to figure out how to use the playSound, vehicleradio and say3D commands in a multiplayer environment. I found some things here on the forums, but I still don't really get it. I read that the aforementioned commands are local commands, and you can use the MP Framework to make them work correctly in multiplayer. But the examples I found got me confused thus far.

Is there a simple example somewhere which explains how you can use playSound, vehicleradio and say3D commands correctly in an MP mission?

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I don't know if this helps, but the ways I have made it work are:

1. When someone enters a Trigger, the sound goes off

2. In the init.sqf

3. Radio Triggers

These are just the ones I have tried. addAction did not work :( Although I don't see why 'vehicleRadio' wouldn't work.

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