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Help request on basic script

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Hello all,

I have been reading a couple tutorial about basic scripting in arma but I have a hard time figuring how to translate it in what I want to do. Maybe some of you could help me.

To resume: I want to spawn a unit at the beginning of my mission in one of the two locations I have set. this unit is attached to a waypoint and a trigger.

in my init file I would like to use a global variable that random between 1 & 2, depending of the result it SetPos to the unit, the waypoint and the trigger.


Edited by meldorqc

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If you just want the unit to appear at one of two places simply group the unit with a marker. That way the unit will spawn either where placed or where the marker was placed.

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problem is I need my trigger to follow and so the waypoint that is link to the trigger.

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So you want the unit to spawn in one of two locations and depending on which starting location go to a different waypoint/trigger ending location? So basically you'll have Unit A going to Spot A/Trigger A _or_ Unit B going to Spot B/Trigger B?

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Same pathing but the trigger tell this unit to start moving after x amount of time and the first waypoint need to be close to the unit so that he doesn't go out of the building until the trigger fire off.

So I would like to move the trigger to a marker as well as the waypoint whenever it random one place of the other

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Well, the trigger can be anywhere, and you can move the waypoint to the unit's location in it's init. I'll come up with a little demo in a bit here.

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my trigger does a count down of 10 mins after my players aboard an assault boat.

Not exactly sure how I can place it anywhere as of right now it's set like this as condition(this && boat_aboard) this= opfor present within the building

here is my first mission so maybe it give you a good idea of what I want to be done: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152670-Co04-amp-Solo-Black-Sheep&p=2367667#post2367667

Edited by meldorqc

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