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Any good GUI tutorials?

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Hey, I've only started Arma scripting and editing today, but have previous experience with programming so it was easy for me to start. I'm now starting a new project for a multiplayer mission, but I have no idea on how to make a gui. Also would anyone know how to make a scroll option appear when looking at an npc, I've tried addaction in the unit init field, but it does not seam to work.

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As for the addition to the action menu in an init field, try:

this addAction ["This appears in the scroll menu", "anything.sqf"];

The first object string is the text that appears, while anything.sqf is a script in your mission's directory which is called when you click the scroll menu option.

As for GUI, it's a real pain. That was one of the first things I wanted to do when I first started scripting, but I just dropped it. It's referred to as 'dialog' scripting; a beginner's tutorial can be found here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?144954-Dialog-Tutorial-For-Noobs-By-A-Noob

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As for the addition to the action menu in an init field, try:

this addAction ["This appears in the scroll menu", "anything.sqf"];

The first object string is the text that appears, while anything.sqf is a script in your mission's directory which is called when you click the scroll menu option.

Would that not just enable the scroll option for the npc?

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Nope, the unit that addAction is run from is a center for anyone to use that action. It's kind of weird, but adding that action would be akin to the "Get in" action for a vehicle.

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