kebardi 10 Posted April 9, 2013 (edited) Hi, I have a problem with ACE Wounds and End trigger. Tryed to search but didnt find answer... so, End Trigger does not activate when there are players connected in spectator mode. eg. Player who has died and is connected as spectator. End trigged condition is this: ms1 and ({lifeState _x == 'ALIVE'} count playableUnits == {_x in thisList} count playableUnits) && ({lifeState _x == 'ALIVE'} count playableUnits > 0); So when ms1 is true and all ALIVE players are in end trigger area (base etc) mission should end. This works fine when all dead players are disconnected from server but if there's someone spectating it doesn't work! It seems that spectating player is ALIVE ? ( So i need help to end mission without kicking all dead spectating players from server :) Thanks for any help! -- I created array from playable units, myPlayersArray = [s1,s2,s3] and changed "playableUnits" to Arrayname, works fine now! Edited April 12, 2013 by kebardi Resolved Share this post Link to post Share on other sites