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Arma 3 - Tasks waypoints

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I have been looking for this information for quite some time now and I couldn't find anything.

Is it possible to add way points to tasks ? So that when you select a task it show the player the direction to take to head to that task.

(Basically I have made a trigger that when my players reach a certain area, it create two tasks and I would like my players to get a waypoint dependant of the task they choose on their map to go first.)

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Hi meldorqc,

You can't use waypoints for non-linear missions. For example in this case, you want to give the player the ability to choose which task to take on first. Remove the waypoints and replace them with markers (don't forget to name them). You will then have to link the marker to the task. Use the following code:

tskobj1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "markername");

Put this code line right below the task description inside your briefing.sqf file.

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