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Need help connecting my zone capture system with the spawn system.

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I need help to get spawn list for each team to show / make the spawnmarkers for Zone A, B, C and D active if the zone is captured, and Hide / make it non-active when the opposite (or no) teams has control of the zone.

Spawn system uses a list of names of spawns and markers. Zone capture system works like this:

(zonea_status == 0) = Nobody have control over Zone A

(zonea_status == 1) = East has control of Zone A

(zonea_status == 2) = West has control over Zone A

One list for each side:

if (side player == east) then 
 _nestedArray = [];
 _nestedArray = [_nestedArray] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Spawn\RespawnListEast.sqf";
if (side player == west) then 
 _nestedArray = [];
 _nestedArray = [_nestedArray] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Spawn\RespawnListWest.sqf";

East Spawn list. Both lists are identical:

private ["_list"];

_list =

[ // [spawn description, marker name]

 ["1 - Base", "BaseEast"],
 ["2 - A-zone", "m_EastSpawnA"],
 ["3 - B-zone", "m_EastSpawnB"],
 ["4 - C-zone", "m_EastSpawnC"],
 ["5 - D-zone", "m_EastSpawnD"]


_list // return value

To write what I mean quite straightforward:

1) if (zonea_status == 0) then dont show the spawn for nobody

2) if (zonea_status == 1) then make the A-zone spawn visible/active for East.

3) if (zonea_status == 2) then make the A-zone spawn visible/active for West.

Other questions:


Is it possible to auto create a marker with a predefined name every time zones switch value from 1 to 2?

Like this:

If zonea_status == 1 then make marker near Zone A with the name m_EastSpawnA.

If zonea_status == 2 then make marker near Zone A with the name m_WestSpawnA.


How can I attach an invisible marker to a player that I can use as a spawn point?


Do you have any ideas to existing spawn scripts (A2 or A3) that can do what I want easier?

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I managed to easyfix half the problem with 'createMarker'. When each team take a zone, they get a spawn point in the zone.

The problem now is that the marker continues to be there after the other team has captured the zone. Are there any 'removeMarker' or is there another way to get the marker deleted?

deleteMarker "name"; ?

EDIT: DeleteMarker does the job.

Edited by Total

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