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Display a countdown time limit for an objective

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I'm trying to create a situation where you have a time limit to complete an objective. For example, I have a trigger set that when you activate it, it displays how many minutes and seconds you have left to complete the objective in a constant update using hintSilent comand.

This is how I have the trigger set up with this as the init.

_objective=["Destroy the Radar",300] execVM "scripts\Countdown.sqf";

Note I am parsing 2 items to the Countdown script, i.e. the Objective "Destroy the Radar" and the time limit. 300 (5 minutes)

And here is my Countdown.sqf script

// Countdown.sqf
// Put this in the init of the triger
// objective = ["Destroy the Radar",300] execVM "Countdown.sqf";

_objective = _this select 0;
_timeleft = _this select 1;

while {true} do {

// This works ok, but instead of puting  "Destroy the Small Radar" I want to use the the _objective parsed to the script 
hintsilent format ["** OBJECTIVE **\nDestroy the Small Radar\nTime left %1", [((_timeleft)/60)+.01,"HH:MM"] call bis_fnc_timetostring];

if (_timeleft < 1) exitWith{};
 _timeleft = _timeleft -1;
sleep 1;

My script works ok, and while I do know how to parse the Objective name to the script, I don't know how to dispay it in the hint.

I want this so I can use it as a reusable CountDown.sqf script where I don't have to keep customising it to suit.

Suggestions and improvements warmly welcomed.

Edited by Beerkan

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