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Can someone help me in understanding these variables. How can I make a script, lets say to log the position of EVERY player on my server. How do I make a script that gets information from client (Lets say money) and sends it to server to save the data. I can do the saving part no biggie, my issue is actually receiving the variable. With that being said, how would I send the variable to a single player when they login (loading the data and sending to client).

If anyone could post an example script that'd be great. I just have a tough time with variables.

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_player setVariable["cmoney",100,false];

_player setVariable["canfood",1,false];

_player setVariable["medkits",0,false];

_player setVariable["water",1,false];

_player setVariable["fuel",0,false];

_player setVariable["repairkits",0,false];

_player setVariable["fuelFull", 0, false];

_player setVariable["fuelEmpty", 1, false];

_player setVariable["bombs",false,false];

_player setVariable["spawnBeacon",0,false];

_player setVariable["camonet",0,false];

How can I pass those player local variables to the server?

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