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Is armed?

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I'm horribly bad at scripting can anyone help me out w/ the following:


if(isdead == 1)exitwith{};

isdead = 1;

_killer 	= _this select 0;
_nearVehicles  	= _this select 1;
_killerLicense  = 0;
suicided    	= false;
_murdered	= true;
_killerstring	= format["%1", _killer];

if (!(_killer call ISSE_UnitExists)) then


(format ["[""Died"", ""%1""] spawn Isse_AddCrimeLogEntry;kopfgeld_%1 = 0;", rolestring]) call broadcast;


_killedByVehicle = false;

if (player == _killer) then


_murdered = false;

if(typename _nearVehicles == "STRING" and INV_hunger < 100)exitwith{suicided = true;};


	if (  (speed _x > 10) and (!(isNull(driver _x)))  ) then


		_killer		 = driver _x;
		_killedByVehicle = true;
		_vehicle         = typeof _x;
		_infos           = _vehicle call INV_getitemArray;
		_killerlicense    = (_infos select 4) select 1;
		_killerstring 	 = format["%1", _killer];


	} forEach _nearVehicles;


if(side _killer == EAST and !isPlayer _killer) exitwith


format['["Died", "%1"] spawn Isse_AddCrimeLogEntry;kopfgeld_%1 = 0;server globalChat "%2 was killed by the military!"', player, name player] call broadcast;


(format ["
[""Died"", ""%1""] spawn Isse_AddCrimeLogEntry;
if(%7 and !%5)then{server globalChat ""%3 was killed by %4""};
if (%5) then {server globalChat ""%4 hit %3 with a vehicle"";};
if(INV_hunger == 100)exitwith{server globalChat ""%3 starved to death!""};
if(player == %8) then {[%1, %5, %6] execVM ""killer.sqf""};
", player,  _killer, name player, name _killer, _killedByVehicle, _killerLicense, _murdered, _killerstring]) call broadcast;


//kopfgeld_%1 = 0;

It's a life mission script, but I want it like the TLR mission to be able to tell you if the person who was killed was armed or unarmed in the death message. I really don't know where to start any help is appreciated.

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