Espada 1 Posted March 20, 2013 Hello Community! I am hoping to enlist your help im a little new but i catch on quick so here is the sitrep: i am trying to make an Amphibious assault but whats a marine amphibious assault without supporting armor? I have been attempting to use the Landing Craft Utility ( now i have read the thread associated with the addon (which i was graciously informed is 919 days old) but i dont really understand how to write sqf.s and all that stuff yet so i tried to simplify it. My problem is getting a vehicle to drive off the LCU t attached the tank tank1 attachTo [lcu,[0,0,.2]] and then i set a trigger near the beach so the ramp drops " LCU" animate ["lcuramp",1]; then i set another trigger right near the shore so it activates just when the lcu touches the beach with the "detach tank" trigger now it does some real crazzy stuff one time it threw the LCU in the air and the tank just landed in the ocean. has anyone done this/knows how or has a template lying around ? help would be greatly appreciated this is the last step i need in creating this mission Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vynaratorski 10 Posted March 20, 2013 What I'd do would be to teleport that tank via trigger using getPos so it get's alititude right (i.e. using position of invisible helipad) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Espada 1 Posted March 20, 2013 thats a bit above my expertise at the moment how do i do that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vynaratorski 10 Posted March 20, 2013 Place an invisible helipad (name it somehow, i.e. HERE) where LCU stops, then when the destination's reached and ramp is dropped do immediate detach and tank setPos (getPos "HERE"); Share this post Link to post Share on other sites