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What would be the Steam launch settings for FX 4100 and Radeon 6670

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Steam Launch settings

Edited by Yeung107

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you mean the "set launch options" thingy?

You could experiment with -cpucount=2 and -cpucount=4 because you have 2 sets of 2 cores that share a bunch of things, only 2 "full" cores. See if there's a difference between using those 2.

Also, try to keep the viewdistance low and run at a lower resolution maybe, your gpu is probably not powerfull enough for high resolutions, although arma3 isnt that demanding.

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depends on how much memory your gpu has, stay 300MB under it or something. Windows consume a bit too.

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With the same CPU, I'm using cpucount at 4...

Did you try OCing your CPU? Because it's 3.6Ghz stock, but I reached 4.3Ghz with no problems (and coul probably go over)...


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There is a very clearly labelled thread for this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147391-Will-my-PC-run-this-What-CPU-GPU-to-get-What-settings-What-System-Specifications please use that, as a new forum user please familiarise yourself with the various forums and the sticky threads in those forums before starting new threads.

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