Earion 1 Posted March 17, 2013 Hi, I've been trying to control these beasts for a long time now. Before that, I was actually a very poor pilot and permanently tried and dodge helicopter missions during the campaigns. But the PMC campaign got me and I had to fly a Ka60 to bring that darned convoy to safety, on Expert difficulty as always. And even if that mission could be a lot better (I personally think it's the worse mission in any campaign since OFP) I actually began to enjoy flying (up to the point I'm looking at how to get a RL licence ) For now I'm stuck with the keyboard till I get my joystick (+ whole set, track IR and a few chosen sims ). I only use the mouse for aiming FFAR and maybe extreme sharp turns. And no auto-hover - except in some case to have a look at the map. But I think what input type I use is not that relevant, what relevant is what instrument should you check, how much pressure you should put on controls to get the effect you want. First and foremost : yes I've searched. These forums, Dslyecxi MH-6 training missions, some other game advice, RL and RC heli flying tips, etc. Now, I still have some quite precise questions ! Fast sideslippingI'm quite stuck with this in the MH-9 training. I can follow the AI pilot till I get around 60 km/h, at about 80 km/h my littlebird flips to forward flight no matter what I do. However the AI is capable of reaching speeds around 100 km/h.Note that the reported airspeed is the one on Dslyecxi speed meter, not the stock one. Dslyecxi counter report raw speed no matter the direction, the OA one can vary between minus 30 and 30 km/h I suppose. That's the trade-off of having different means of showing both negative and positive speeds for backward/forward flight I guess, "sideways" speed reports can't really be accurate - I actually wonder what MH-6 instruments would show IRL.Anyway here is what I do :Start from hover, 0 airspeed, MROT parallel to the ground Cyclic left (A) to roll left about 10 to 20 degrees to bring the chopper in a left side-slip Before reaching 50 km/h, I start applying some pressure on the anti-torque (right pedal or C), without yawing right Then, at about 70 km/h, I kind of loose control. I tried constant pressure on the right pedal, tilting backward a bit with the collective, a bit or a lot of both, to no or very little effect : I can't keep a steady side-slipping without great airspeed trade-offs. All along I use the collective a bit to maintain altitude, but I feel it's rarely needed... I am missing something ? I guess that, as choppers have a tail, the combination of inertia and aerodynamics inevitably tends to convert the momentum to forward flight at a certain speed, no matter what (true ?) There must be a "breaking point" however, sideslipping must be achievable up to some speed limit (IRL, without breaking some stuff ?). I guess usable speeds and amount of pressure on the controls highly depend on the helo model, so I'd just like some information about what the proper variables values are for the littlebirds. Also, some tips about how to rapidly invert the side-slip direction would be greatly appreciated ! [*]Circle strafing around a target The target might be a bush, a foot-mobile or a BMP, whatever. I seriously tried to learn how to side-slip hoping to achieve smoother circle strafing. For the moment, I can do it, but it's a bit messy, depends on my mood, the RL weather, finger soreness status... Nothing too predictable ! Anyway, here is what I do : get in a left side-slip from hover put the nose down to get on target quickly start applying some right © rudder to remain on target apply some cyclic "back" (S) and rudder some quick alternate pressures between back cyclic and right rudder do the trick to keep in a circle. some collective might me needed, but not that much. It might not be a perfect circle but I can keep on target with the nose tilted between 25 and 45 degrees down, the airspeed showing something between -25 and -15. , which is a bit puzzling - I did not expect to have the nose down that much, and that much negative speed ! Variables are for the AH-6. Yeah, I actually use the AH to shoot the target with MGs, just to see if the recoil might induce some effect on chopper control (does it IRL/in Arma ?) Anyway this is pretty satisfying, but the two remainng problems are : How to predictablyget in a circle strafe in the first place ? The above method and "messy" variations may work 1 time out of 10, there must be something totally wrong with it. How to rapidly switch direction ? [*]Funelling Funelling, aka circle strafing with the tail down, is not really useful in combat operations I guess ! But you never know :) - plus I guess it's possible and a good thing to understand how to master the beast ! Has anybody achieved that ? Closing words/Before you ask : No, I'm not a big fan of arcade shooter heli flying. I did play some BF3, never in choppers though. BF3 might be quite enjoyable and accessible, but is just boring after some time. And I won't even talk about authenticity in flying models or tactics, I'm no specialist about both but I guess it wasn't made to be realistic, but accessible - and, well, boring in the long run :) Yes, I did train in the editor or custom missions. A lot ! And I'll continue No, I'm not interested in comments complaining about how Arma 2 flying model is :shhh::shhh:ed up... As long as they do not give an answer to my questions of course :). Actually I tried both maneuvers in the Ka60 in Arma 2 AND 3, and suffice to say Take On Helicopters and its rotorlibs clearly made their way into the new game and it's noticeable : the mentioned maneuvers are just far easier. No, English is not my native language, so sorry for the style and grammar mistakes I'm not even be aware of ! Thanks and cheers ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites