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How do you play SP PBOs?

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Hey guys - struggling to figure out how to play a SP PBO - when I click on PLAY in the main menu I only have the option of Showcases or Multiplayer? Showcases doesn't show my SP PBOs in Arma 3/missions folder.

Is the solution to use a MP PBO and just play a LAN with AI? Seems a bit silly.


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There is no difference between SP and MP PBOs. Currently you have to put the pbo in the MPMissions folder and host a lan game to play SP missions.

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I just play via the Editor. I'm surprised they didn't set up the SP folder for the alpha. I hope they don't plan on keeping it like this. I haven't looked into it yet so I don't know but I'm assuming it will be available in future builds.

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I just play via the Editor. I'm surprised they didn't set up the SP folder for the alpha. I hope they don't plan on keeping it like this. I haven't looked into it yet so I don't know but I'm assuming it will be available in future builds.

I played the SP-Missions in the same way, at the beginning..., but the saving points are away, if you wanna have a break. So you have to start everytime new.

I change to the hosted LAN game, it´s much more comfortable.



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